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Mayor Armstrong - the City still has some control and imput on the <br />Regional Park. One access has been eliminated, camping areas have <br />been relocated, but the carry --over boat access is still in disagreement. <br />The County is not willing to design such an access. The City is still <br />maintaining the 'County 'engineer theaccess for carry-over use only. <br />Pat Burns - 11140 20th St. N - Concerned with the potential danger <br />of water --skiing use. Limiting the access by engineering. <br />Al Noreen - 7960 DeMontreville Tr. - Can we override DNR's recommendations <br />and accept the regulations the City proposed and adopted? He prefers <br />the ordinance of the City. Whittaker stated he is not sure to what degree <br />DNR controls the City. City ordinance more liberal. <br />Janice Surface - Hidden Bay Trail - lives on Lake Olson. Front yard very <br />close to the water. Problem is not with the water skiing or the boat <br />size, but with the usage of the lake. Additional fishermen or skiers <br />the water will no longer be good for any use. Thought this meeting <br />was a chance to limit the amount of new access on the lakes; the area <br />and how there built to control the uses of the lake. She would like <br />to see what limitations we can set up; how we go about doing it and <br />when we should start on it. <br />Betty Lundholm -2737 Lake Elmo Avenue - Does not feel there should be <br />any public access to these small lakes. The DNR should be protecting <br />the natural resources and opening up Lake Elmo via the Regional Park <br />will destroy them. Why can't the City and residents fight this <br />other than just by writing letters. Make the DNR more conscious of <br />preserving these natural resourses. <br />Mayor Armstrong - Have to deal with existing policy. The best way to <br />change these regulations is politically; write the County Commissioner, <br />legislator, and DNR. <br />Harvey Allen - Lake Elmo Avenue - How much control does the Council have <br />in the development and regulations on Lake Elmo? The City has very little <br />control. The City is not giving up on the access but it is an uphill <br />battle. The City needs the residents support and incouragesthem to <br />contact the County Commissioner and the Met Council with their concerns. <br />Mayor Armstrong polled the audience on their recommendations for the <br />lakes. <br />LAKE ELMO: Prevent a large County access; limit the number of boats <br />on the lake and parking; City limit their cooperation with DNR and <br />the County on developing an access unless they work with the City on <br />the carry-over access the `City >aske4..for; tell the County to limit parking <br />and number of boats to DNR limit; verify .if the DNR is law ar advisory <br />on lake use; Lake *Elmo is'-203'acres',-'limit number of boats to 10; limit <br /> one car for 20 acres of water; withhold City services to park <br />unless access type can be negotiaited <br />LAKE JANE: limit all boats to 5 mph; no additional regulations until a <br />problem arises; enforce No Parking on the City street. General consensus <br />is no additional regulations are needed now with the 8 parking spaces <br />at the access; wait and see. <br />DEMONTREVILLE AND OLSON: keep parking to a reasonable minimum; keep No <br />Parking on the road and enforce; limit the number of off-street parking <br />spaces; :enforcement of regulations on all the lakes and the parking areas; <br />close the City access if the DNR should develp another access; <br />