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-3- <br />Lois DeLon5 8274 Hidden Bay Tr. - Asked about the number of boats <br />allowed on DeMontreville. She lives on Lake Olson - if there are <br />three.spped boats on Olson it is crowded what happens when the allotted <br />number of boats on DeMontreville come onto Olson? <br />Bill Rowe - 8286 Hidden Bay Ct. - lives on the DeMontreville/Olson channel. <br />DNR create situations then provide no enforcement. Enforcement money <br />is available, but he cannot see where they are spending it in enforcement. <br />DNR does not enforcement. Local enforcement expensive only way to handle <br />problems in through access control (size). City must develop accesses <br />that are very minimal and call local enforcement agencies violations <br />occur. Restroom facilities should be a part of any access; fishermen's <br />use of ;the lake for sanitary purposes highly insenses lake shore residents. <br />Jim Delong 8274 Hidden Bay Tr. -Any recourse for,City government <br />torask for the full package. They give us the problems with no solutions. <br />What are other City governments doing? Not willing to pay high taxes <br />for a lake he cannot use. If this is to be made the playground for <br />surrounding counties someone has to pay for it besides Lake Elmo. <br />Administrator Whittaker stated that the City has sent letters stating <br />that if you provide access you must provide money to enforce the rules <br />to the DNR and the legislature. He urged residents to do the same and <br />do it in force. If enough protests are received they will listen. <br />John Crowell - DeMontreville Tr. - Asked what control the City has <br />for access on DeMontreville and Olson. Whittaker explained the DNR <br />owns the access on Lake Jane, the County owns the access on Lake Elmo, <br />and the City owns the one on DeMontreville. The DNR is proposing to <br />buy land and create their own access on DeMontreville. Once the DNR <br />owns the land the City loses control of the access. The DNR has <br />the power to condemn to obtain access property. <br />Jim Yarusso - 5620 Highland Tr. - Asked how the DNR proposes to build <br />a safer access on DeMontreville. No plan as yet, but would fill the <br />lake. <br />Carol Connors - 9404 Lake Jane Tr. - Who will maintain the Lake Jane <br />access? DNR does have funds to maintain the access in the summer or <br />they may contract with the City to do this. No money or policy is <br />currently available for maintenance during the winter. <br />Don Erickson - 8224 Hidden Bay Tr. - Does not know how to respond to <br />what the City wants since there is no well laid out proposals. Concern <br />is with population of boats on the lake. Have to work out solution <br />so that skiiers and fisherman can co -exist. Does not see large number <br />of water skiiers coming out to these small lakes as a prime water ski <br />area. Local or lakeshore owners will be the primary skiiers. His <br />solution - Olson no problem - has only seen 3 to 4 boats skiing for a <br />short period, max. Issue is blown out of proportion. <br />Jim Weyer- Jane Rd. N. - asked if legal action best way to control DNR. <br />Whittaker said the best way to control them is politically. Write your <br />legislator and ask for additional money for policing the lakes or else <br />change the policy for lake access; encourage a more restrictive policy <br />on lake access in the metro area. <br />Fran Pott - Problems do exist now, on a.'low level. Purpose of meeting <br />is o try and steer the situat_iQn1to avoid major problems that would <br />require shutting off everything. <br />