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SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 24, 1980 <br />Vice Chairman Prince called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:40. <br />l ROLL CALL: Crombie, Fraser, Lyall, Gifford, Lundquist <br />MINUTES: November 10, 1960 - Corrections clarifying the corrections <br />of the October 27 minutes. October 27 minutes - Federal Land - <br />insert the following statement: "the Commission wishes to make clear <br />that only the plans which do not include future public sewering were <br />being considered. The Phase 2 plan is not being considered". Also, <br />change the date of -the November 24 Planning Commission meeting. <br />Fraser moved, seconded by Lyall, to approve the°'minutes of November 10, <br />1980, and October 27; 1980, as amended. Motion carried 6-0. aw <br />EVERETTE BEAUBIEN - PUBLIC HEARING FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION AND VARIANCE: <br />Vice Chairman Prince opened the hearing at 7:45 p.m. <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Mayor Armstrong called the Special City Council <br />meeting to order at 7:46 p.m. Councillors in attendgnce: Pott, <br />Mottaz, and Morgan. Also, Administrator Whittaker. <br />Administrator Whittaker reviewed Mr. Beaubien's request. City <br />Engineer Bohrer evaluated the request and determined that two 1 1/2 A <br />lots can be created with 125 ft. frontage. Any approval should require <br />two drainfield sites, perc tests and soil borings for septic systems on <br />each lot. <br />AUDIENCE COMMENTS: <br />Neighbors asked what property was being,!eonsidered. After reviewing <br />the proposal they stated concerns about the 33 ft. easement shown on <br />the map. They stated there was an easement to the north, providing <br />access to the lake for several lots, originally. After.subdivision <br />of the property in 1962 by Mr Percy, the easement was moved to the <br />south side of the property. They want this easement to remain their <br />public access. This could be accomplished if the roadway were <br />deeded to the City for street purposes. The Administrator said the <br />City should review their agreement or easement to make sure the <br />property is deeded to the water; and the City should verify who owns <br />the easement. <br />Questions before the Planning Commission: <br />1. Do the lots have access on a public road? <br />2. Will the City accept this request for .a road that does not meet <br />City standards? <br />3. Will Mr. Beaubien be able to meet the lot width requirement on <br />a public street? <br />The neighbors claim Mr. Beaubien only has an easement to the..south <br />3:3 ft. of the roadway past his home. <br />The Council and Commission discussed similar "private roads" and their <br />standards. The City requires improved streets; but has made exceptions <br />when there are extenuating circumstances. Before making a recommendation <br />the Planning Commission would like the City Council to clarify the City's <br />policy. <br />Vice Chairman Prince closed the hearing at 8:15 p.m. <br />Crombie suggested the City adopt a policy that provides for a 20' <br />blacktop mat to service areas not requiring a normal street. Armstrong <br />wants the Engineer's opinion on a 24' road vs a 20' road. <br />