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SPECIAL JOINT MEETING, NOVEMBER 24, 1980 <br />-3- <br />FEDERAL LAND: Fraser would like to see this proposal go to public hearing <br />and let the public determine if this proposal is reasonable and desirable. <br />The Commission and Council futher discussed the issue with Mr. Colon and <br />the City Planner. <br />Pott noted the Council had agreed to the concept; and, said he feels <br />this has not changed. He stated if County 19 is the key, then, <br />the City should just wait until 19 is constructed. Mottaz stated his <br />main concern is the demand for the proposed Commercial Business vs <br />the designated Highway Business. <br />Neither body had any recommendations on commercial areas around inter- <br />sections. <br />Fraser feels the City is discouraging Federal Land from pursuing this <br />plan by not considering amending the Comp Plan. She feels this proposal <br />is an opportunity for the City and the developer to plan ahead. She <br />also stressed that opening this request up to public hearing gives <br />businessmen and residents an opportunity to react to proposals that <br />may affect the business climate of Lake Elmo. <br />Armstrong said he does not feel the City should•string'developers along <br />with planning if their proposal is premature and entails amending the <br />Comp Plan to accomodate it. Presently, there are too many 'ifs'. <br />County 19 is the key question. After this question is resolved, then, <br />the proposal can be considered. <br />The Administrator said the only conditions under which the City should <br />consider amending the Comp Plan is when there is a change in conditions <br />from when the plan was approved. Armstrong stated the concept idea <br />of clustering commercial around intersections is good and should be <br />explored; but, the City is not sure there will be an intersection at <br />19,at this point. <br />Mr. Colon expressed his position on dealing with other governmental <br />agencies and the planning process. The Council and Commission discussed <br />these procedures with him and the necessity and desire for County 19. <br />Fraser moved, thatthePlanning Commission institute the proceedings <br />for a Public Hearing to consider modifying the Comprehensive Plan <br />along 1-94. Motion died for lack of a second. <br />Crombie moved, seconded by Gifford, to recommend the City Council table <br />further consideration of the Federal Land Company proposal and table <br />any action on amending the Comprehensive Plan until the disposition <br />of County 19 is clear. Motion carried 4-1-1. Fraser opposed. Lundquist <br />abstained. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Morgan, to accept the recommendation of the <br />Planning Commission. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Crombie moved, seconded by Lyall, to recommend the City Council table <br />the PUD application from Federal Land Company until a firm construction <br />plan for County 19 is submitted. Motion carried 5-1. Fraser opposed. <br />Lyall stated the Planning Commission agreed that the layout and concept <br />of the plan were good. The Commission agreed. <br />