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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 16, 1980 <br />-2- <br />CIVIC CENTER PROJECT: <br />A. Insulate Fire Hall, Quotes - Armstrong moved, seconded by <br />Pott to accept the �i low bid rr—om Specialities Insulators, for <br />insulating the Fire Hall ceilings, at a total cost of $1,312. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />B. Purchase House at 11178 Upper 334d St. N. - The City received <br />an appraisal of 48,735 from Bob Lafayette, Stillwater. The <br />Building Inspector examined the structure and reported that <br />with minor repair and insulation, the house could be rented. <br />The Administrator reported he looked into finding an alternate <br />purchaser and determined this would not be economically feasible <br />for the City. <br />Nancy Prince, Jim Wells and Maureen Farrell from the Library Board <br />and staff, reviewed the concept and expressed a preference for <br />a permanent library building on County 5 (old'212). <br />After discussing suggestions and alternatives, <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong to table pursuing the Civic <br />Center Plan and the purchase of the house on Upper 33rd Street. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />C. Office Remodeling - Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, <br />to aut' zoorrize the Administrator to solicit cost estimates for <br />a working drawing and specifications for the City Office Remodeling <br />Project. Motion carried 5-0. <br />The Council discussed a ceiling figure for the project. This <br />will be discussed after the cost estimates are reviewed. <br />DINNER BREAK: Tartan Park <br />OATH OF OFFICE: The City Administrator swore in Maynard Eder as <br />Mayor and Dave Morgan and Laura Fraser as Council Members. <br />OLINGER: The Council discussed the recommendations of the City staff <br />with respect to Mr. Carl Olinger's property at great length. <br />They agreed that a level of non-conformance should be set for <br />the property. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to instruct the Building <br />Inspector to work out a plan that satisfactorily defines the <br />non-conformance and meets the conditions on the Building <br />Inspectors memo of January 6, 1980, that Mr. Olinger can agree <br />to. Motion carried 5-0. <br />1003 and 1004 BILL: Novak moved, seconded by Morgan, to table the <br />1003 and 1004 bill until a final determination of the credit <br />the City is to receive on the sale of the irrigation pipe. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT: A. Assessments: Beutel Pond, Irvin Court, Legion <br />j Pond, Sunfish Lake - <br />Irvin Court - The Engineer reported this project consisted of <br />construction of a storm sewer outlet from the area around Lake <br />Jane Hills 3rd Addition to Lake Jane. The developer of Lake <br />Jane Hills 3rd Addition constructed the improvement; but the City <br />provided the easement and the engineering. <br />