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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 16, 1980 <br />-3- <br />Irvin Court - The staff suggested an area assessment method, <br />since all of the land use in the drainage area is residential. <br />Administratove costs were estimated to equal 10% of the total <br />project cost. Councilman Pott asked the Administrator if <br />this is a reasonable estimate. The City Administrator stated <br />that in each case he was confident the administrative costs <br />were at least 10%. Councilman Pott stated that he would prefer <br />that actual costs derived from hours spent over a fixed percentage <br />cost. The Administrator stated that these administrative costs <br />could be computed to verify the 10o estimate. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, to ,recommend that the Irvin <br />Court assessment be made as proposed. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Legion Pond Flood Relief - Bohrer said this project was initiated <br />by a pet itio signed by 16 Legion Pond residents. After much <br />study and testing, it was determined that the pond was supported <br />by groundwater; and, the level could not be lowered by pumping. <br />Subsequently, for residents filled their back yards; three of <br />these residents used full from the new Maintenance Building. A <br />credit was applied to the total porject cost for the amount of <br />fill taken from the maintenance building, since the City did <br />not have to contract to have it removed. Since no actual <br />construction took place, the Engineer recommended not assessing <br />the costs over the drainage area. <br />The staff recommended that either assessing the <br />assessing the five developed lots which abut the <br />in order. The Engineer provided proposed rates <br />based on 16 lots or 5 lots benefitting. <br />16 petitioners or <br />pond would be <br />of assessment <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, to modify the proposed rates <br />of assessment; and recommended a $100 assessment to each of the 1 <br />11 lots which do not abut the pond and the balance to be spread <br />upon the five lots which do abut the pond. The estimated <br />assessments then on the five lots which abut the pond would be <br />approximately $493 each. The Council reasoned that the 11 <br />petitioners which do not abut the pond received a benefit from <br />the testing, however, to a lesser degree than the lots which <br />abut the pond. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Beutel Pond, Drainage Improvement - The Engineer reported this <br />project consisted of constructing an outlet to Beutel's Pond to <br />provide a level of flood'protection for the area around Jamaca <br />Court. He stated that the staff used the same assessment formula <br />as was used in the Lake Jane pumping program, which calculated <br />area and imperviousness. Using this method, the typical <br />residential lot in Jamaca Court would be assessed approximately <br />$110 and a 40 acre parcel of undeveloped land would be assessed <br />approximately $146. There was much discussion about the fairness <br />of the assessment policy. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, that the Council recommend <br />that the Beutel Pond assessment be made as proposed. However, <br />the Council instructed the Administrator and the Engineer to <br />separate out those parcels greater than 10 acres and develop <br />an assessment rate per acre for those parcels. Motion carried <br />2-0-2. Novak and Pott abstained; Mottaz temporarily absent. <br />