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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1981 <br />Special Purchases <br />4. Pamphlet Rack - Civil Defense - The Council would like <br />to review the Civil Defense Program before expending any <br />funds. At that time, they will consider what items should <br />be included in the 1982 budget. <br />5. Lawcon Project Sites Signs - The Council had no objections <br />to the City Administrator purchasing signs for each park <br />where LAWCON funds were used. <br />6. Fire Department Radios - Novak moved, seconded by Mottaz, <br />to authorize the Administrator to take bids for 10 Fire <br />Department Pagers. Motion carried 4-0. <br />7. Chair Dolly - The Council advised the Administrator to move <br />the desk from the back room to the Maintenance Building and to <br />store the extra chairs in the back. <br />8. No Smoking Pedestal Sign - Fraser requested the "No Smoking" <br />area be more clearly designated. The Administrator will meet <br />and discuss this with her. <br />E. Goettschel Property - Administrator Whittaker briefed the <br />Council on the Goettschel request, per his February 12 memo. <br />The Council deferred this to the Planning Commission for their <br />recommendation. The Administrator will contact the City Attorney <br />fob an opinion on the parcel. Mayor Eder will talk to Mr. Goettshel <br />about the delay. <br />F. Licenses - Mottaz moved, seconded by Eder to approve the <br />following licenses: <br />Asphalt Specialities Co., 1900 Quant, Lakeland; and <br />Tartan Park, Lake Elmo, for Outdoor Vending Machines <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />G. Other <br />1. Tri Lakes Civil Defense Siren - Tabled <br />2. Ag Rezoning.Fee - <br />Eder moved, seconded by Fraser, to charge to $100 fee for <br />rezoning property to AG. No vote <br />Eder moved, seconded by Mottaz, to table the Ag fee motion. <br />Motion carried 4-0. The Current policy to waive the $100 <br />fee will remain in effect. <br />3. Tom Armstrong - Minutes <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Eder, to send the minutes to past <br />mayor, Tom Armstrong, and waive the fee. Motion carried 4-0. <br />ADJOURNMENT: Mottaz moved, seconded by Eder, to adjourn at 11:15 p.m. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />ORDINANCE 7922 - Crombie Rezoning to R-1 <br />RESOLUTIONS 81-11 - Tartan Meadows Preliminary Plat <br />81-12 - Waterline Feasibility Study <br />81-13 - Preliminary Plat F. J. Crombie Estates <br />