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Irvin Court Assessment -2- <br />Ray Newman <br />8579 Lake Jane Trail - asked the possibilities of going back to the <br />developer and asking him to pay the whole amount. <br />Larry Bohrer -- said the City only has the ability to assess property <br />not individuals. <br />Gary Schaubschlager - suggested renegotiating the developers assessment <br />on his remaining lots. <br />Mayor Eder - said the developer would have to be willing to renegotiate <br />in order to revise the assessments. <br />Don Conlin - felt the Hedges property, exempt from assessment, has <br />been enhanced by the project. They are receiving two forms <br />of compensation. He does not agree with the assessment <br />for the people in the area but if it is done than the <br />assessment should be across the board for all property in <br />the assessment area. <br />Terry Edgerton - questioned the City Engineer approving this development <br />and why the City would be willing to strike a deal with the <br />developer on the project cost. <br />Larry Bohrer - explained the necessity of the project. He indicated <br />he was not the City Engineer at the time of the proposal. <br />He stated a variance was granted to permit the Irvin Court <br />cul-de-sac, also, Valley Branch approved the-flJing°,of the <br />pdsyd' area. The primary concern, at the time, was water <br />draining into Lake Jane and the Lake Jane Hills proposal <br />decreased this amount. <br />Duncan McGregor - feels it is up to the developer to assume the cost. <br />There was no problem before the cul-de-sac was built. He <br />does not feel residents should be responsible for helping <br />-out the person who caused the problem. <br />Don Conlin - asked the Council to review the assessments that are <br />remaining in the area as a result of some of the trenching <br />that was done. He indicated two assessments that residents <br />took issue with, but were assessed for. Are there any <br />more to be assessed that residents do not know about. <br />Larry Whittaker - said there are no other proposed City projects to be <br />assessed. <br />Mayor Eder - indicated there will be a Valley Branch maintenance <br />assessment on Project 1005. This will be levied against <br />the taxes payable in 1982. This will be a small special <br />assessment for maintenance of the pumping station on Lake <br />Jane. <br />Ray Newman - suggested the entire amount be assessed to the developers <br />remaining'parcels,- <br />Councillor Morgan - he was on the Council at the time this problem <br />came up. He voted against it, feels the assessment against <br />the residents is unfair and agrees with the comments <br />submitted. He recommended the Council review the matter <br />and consider:an.:41ternative. <br />Don Conlin — asked if anything can be done about including the Hedges <br />parcel in the assessment. <br />Councillor Morgan - replied he does not think the City can alter the terms <br />of the easement or the agreement. <br />Mayor Eder closed the hearing at 10:15 p.m. This will be considered <br />at the March 17 Council meeting. <br />