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Irvin Court Assessment Hearing, March 10, 1981 <br />Mayor Eder opened the public hearing at 9:45 p.m. <br />Engineer Bohrer explained the project and the assessment method. <br />The total project cost was $9,231.24. $5400 will be assessed to <br />the developer of Lake Jane Hills with the remaining $3,831 <br />assessed to contributing and benefitting properties., This amounts <br />to:$175.44 per acre. <br />Audience Comments: <br />Terry Edgerton <br />4280 Ivy Court - asked if anyone had walked the area to verify how <br />the lots drain. He stated his neighbor was not <br />included in the assessment area, yet, his property <br />drains across the Edgerton property. <br />Larry Bohrer <br />- said he walked the area and had a survey crew <br />determine where the physical breaks,:- in the <br />terrain was. No absorption tests were done. <br />Gary Schaubschlager <br />8567 Lake Jane <br />Trail - asked why the developer of Lake Jane Hills <br />was not assessed the total cost since there was no <br />flooding problems before the development. He stated <br />Irvin Court was built over a natural drainage area, <br />therefore, he feels the developer should be responsible <br />for the entire cost of the project. <br />Larry Bohrer <br />- indicated the overall drainage plan for the plat <br />reduced the amount of water that,:previously flowed <br />into Lake Jane. Less water leaves the development <br />now than before development. <br />Gary Schaubschlager <br />- questioned his $189 assessment. <br />Larry Bohrer <br />- indicated he must have over an acre of assessed area. <br />Don Conlin <br />8572 Lake Jane <br />Trail - stated the problem was brought on by the developer <br />therefore, the project should be paid for by the <br />developer. He does not contribute or benefit by this <br />project. <br />Duncan McGregor <br />8645 Lake Jane <br />Trail - noted that the plat indicated that a 3.2acre foot <br />pond would be destroyed by Irvin Court. He reviewed <br />the alternatives discussed by the Council at their <br />July, 1979., meeting, and maintained that the alternative <br />to enlarge the culvert and obtain an easement resulted <br />in a savings to the developer and was unfair to <br />residents in the area who were assessed. <br />Don Conlin <br />- ,submitted, thkt i•f;, -- : additi©na1. lots in -the area; had not <br />been there would be no assessment or <br />problem; but since this building has been done and <br />tax revenue has increased the assessment should be <br />borne by the general the area, or the <br />developer. <br />Roger Wyland <br />8556 Lake Jane <br />Trail - asked what the conditions of the easement were <br />that enabled the Hedges property to be exempt from any <br />assessment. <br />