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BEUTEL POND ASSESSMENT HEARING, MARCH 10, 1981 -3- <br />Engineer Bohrer indicated the two major culverts across 212. <br />Mike Hillard - still questions how the water reaches this area. <br />Engineer Bohrer said he looked at the area several times and did <br />not see any standing water in the area Mr. Hillard indicated; but <br />noted there are other pot holes in the area. <br />Mayor Eder said that there will be another hearing to discuss the <br />revised.roster. Notices will be mailed to those residences in <br />the redefined area. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Novak, to set a public hearing for the <br />Beutel Pond Assessment for April 7, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Mayor Eder suggested residents call the City Office if they <br />want to find out what their revised assessment is. <br />Mayor Eder closed the hearing at 8:35 p.m. <br />Mrs. Hertgard - sold Mr. Hughes his property. She noted that <br />they never had water on their property even during flood times. <br />She questioned any assessment to this parcel. <br />