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03-03-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-03-81 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 3, 1981 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. <br />Councillors in attendance: Novak, Fraser, and Mottaz, Also, <br />Administrator Whittaker and Engineer Bohrer. <br />AGENDA: Additions: Supplemental Heater; Fuel Tanks; Street Sweeping <br />Laura Fraser asked the Council to address deferring the sale of <br />the Old Town hall site under Office Remodeling and add Park Commission <br />Minutes and Agendas. <br />Novak moved, seconded by Mottaz, to accept the Agenda as amended. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />MINUTES: February 17, 1981 - Correction on Page 1, last paragraph, <br />.....This amount can be deducted from the $900..... <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to approve the minutes of <br />February 17, 1981, as amended. Motion carried 4-0. <br />PARK LAND DEDICATION: Mottaz asked for agenda time to discuss land <br />value computation. The _Council agreed. The Administrator will <br />put this on the next agenda. <br />CLAIMS: The Council discussed the Youth Service Bureau appropriation, <br />Claim 81216, and agreed to pay $2,720 (1/2 the amount) in March <br />and the remaining half July 1st. The Council asked the Administrator <br />to verify if the $310 to Serco Labs, Little Sunfish Project, is <br />included in the assessment for the project. <br />Fraser moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve Claims 81199 thru 81.230, <br />as amended. Morton carried 4-0. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMRENDATIONS: <br />A. Site and Building Plan, Brookfield II - The Council reviewed <br />the PZC recommendatior} and`; sitipulations, to approve the plan. <br />The Administrator reported that the parking spaces, size of <br />spaces and planting islands have been resolved with the Building <br />*amended Inspector and the developer.*The number of parking spaces was reduced <br />3/17/81 to 69 for the first building, parking spaces will be 9'x20' with 24' <br />Engineer Bohrer addressed the drainage question. He and Tom Noyes <br />aisles, and Brookfield'.s Engineer, discussed the current City criteria for <br />[-he planting ponding requirements and agreed on '.a method for calculating the <br />zalands will ponding. A letter outlining the volume required for a single <br />:)e at the pond in the lst Addition of Brockman Addition, will be sent by <br />and of the Mr. Noyes. <br />aisles. <br />Don Raleigh said Mr. Noyes conclusion will show that the pond, <br />which had been approved for construction in the Brockman Addition <br />2nd Addition, would have more capacity than is required for the <br />1st Addition. The developers have agreed to construct as much of <br />the pond as is required to accomodate the 1st Addition, per the <br />engineer's calculations. <br />
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