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04-21-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-21-81 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />APRIL 21, 1981 <br />Acting Mayor Morgan called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br />Councillors in attendance: Novak, Fraser, and Mottaz. Also <br />Administrator Whittaker <br />AGENDA: Additions - Engineer's Report: Kroy Industries, Beaubien <br />Street, and Flood Elevation.'_on Sunfish Lake. Administrator's <br />Report: Ried Park/City Office, Handicap Use of Motorized Vehicles <br />in City Parks, DNR Access - Lake Demontreville. <br />Novak moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the agenda as amended. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />MINUTES: April 7, 1981 - Tabled until May S. <br />CLAIMS: Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to approve Claims 81326 <br />thru 81354. motion carried 4-0. <br />OLINGER MINING PERMIT: The Engineer reviewed the permit application. <br />Mr. Olinger proposes to mine approximately 10,000 cu. yds. of <br />material from a 3.3 acre area. The Engineer recommended that <br />the following data and work be completed by Mr. Olinger: <br />1. Elevations or contours showing present conditions and proposes <br />final conditions of the area to be mined. <br />2. A new comprehensive plan be submitted which conforms to the <br />City requirements which shows that the property can be developed <br />for the residential p_ pose intended and in conformance with the <br />minimum lot size and length of cul-de-sac street required <br />by the City. (Mr. Olinger had an old land use plan on file <br />indicating residential. use of this property.) <br />3. A survey establishing the south line of the property so that <br />the limits of the excavation can be defined. <br />4. A bond for maintenance of the haul raods be submitted, as <br />required. <br />Mr. Phil Tschumperlin, property owner to the east of Olinger, ap- <br />peared before the Council to question the duration of the mining <br />operation and also speak on the ordinance violations of the mining <br />operation, and other violations that have not been corrected by <br />Mr. Olinger. He -commented —on the violations and requirements <br />included in the Building Inspectors memo of December 15, 1980, <br />and asked why the large dirt pile has not been removed, per the <br />January 1980, deadline. Mr. Tschumperlin asked the City to enforce <br />the ordinances. <br />The Administrator will call the current violations to the Mayor's <br />attention and review the past recommendations with him. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to table action on the mining <br />permit application until May 5, 1981, to provide more time to <br />consider the request and address the alleged violations which may <br />be conditions of permit approval. Motion carried 4-0. The <br />Administrator will contact Mr. Olinger and request he attend the <br />May 5 meeting. <br />
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