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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />APRIL 21, 1981 -2- <br />PATRICK RILEY/SEELER PROPERTY - VARIANCE: Patrick Riley:, perspective <br />buyer of the Seeler property, located on the southwest corner of <br />Sunfish Lake, has applied for a Variance for a 150' building set- <br />back from the normal ordinary high water mark where a 200' setback <br />is required on a natural environment lake. The Engineer had <br />asked Valley Branch to review the 100-year flood elevation, as it <br />appeared too low. Valley Branch determined 900.0 to be a more <br />accurate figure than the old flood mark of 896.0. The Engineer <br />said this change does not affect the Riley application. He <br />reviewed the building and lot proposal, and stated it met the <br />requirements for elevation above potential high water and there <br />is adequate area for a primary and alternate drainfield site. He <br />said there are about two acres of dry ground on the site. The <br />Engineer recommended that a hay bale dike be constructed between <br />the home construction and the lake to prevent sediment or <br />erosion from entering the lake. The Engineer also advised the <br />property owners that a lift station may be necessary to lift the <br />settled effluent from the septic tank into the drainfield. A <br />permit from Mn/DOT will be necessary for the driveway entrance. <br />The highway right-of-way question has been resolved. The Council <br />determined that the front of the house is the area facing the lake, <br />therefore, the swimming pool would be constructed behind the house <br />facing Highway 5. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to approve a Shoreland Variance <br />for Patick Riley, to permit a 130' setback for :a: house and pool <br />in the West 1/2 of that part of the NW 1/4*of Section 14, T29, R21, <br />lying North of the Center of Minnesota Trunk Highway 212 (5), as <br />*amended now constructed, from the normal ordinary high water mark, and a <br />5/5/81 - Variance to permit the pool to be closer to the highway than the <br />of SE 1/4 house, as provided in Section 301.130 C. 10. of the City Code. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />BUILDING ELEVATION/SUNFISH LAKE: <br />amended Fraser moved, seconded by Mottaz, to*a-4Q19Ordinance q , amending <br />5/5/81 - Section 301.070 E., 2., g., (2) of the Zoning Ordinance, changing <br />o instruct the building elevation on Sunfish Lake to 903.0, as recommended <br />he City by the City Engineer. Motion carried 4-0. <br />ttorney to <br />raft... TOM HOSEK - GARAGE SETBACK VARIANCE: Mr. Hosek proposes to build <br />a new garage at 11120 32nd Street. The new structure will replace <br />an old garage that is 5'4" from the property line. Mr. Hosek <br />said the slope of the lot makes it impossible to put the garage <br />at the 10' setback. Roy Witzel, neighbor to the west, on the <br />garage side, had no objection to the Hosak request. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to approve the Variance request <br />of Tom Hosek, to place a new garage 514" from the side lot line. <br />Approval is based on the hardship that t•heslope•of the lot makes <br />placement of the structure at the 10' setback unfeasible. Motion <br />carried 4-0. <br />