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04-07-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-07-81 CCM
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Minutes,.Lake Elmo City Council meeting page 1 <br />April '7, 1981 <br />Mayor Eder convened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. with the following Council <br />members present: Fraser, Mottaz, Morgan and Novak. Administrator Whittaker <br />was also present: <br />AGENDA: Whittaker asked that the Council add items C. Well ##2, D. Flood <br />levels on Sunfish Lake,.and E. water storage on Eagle Point Lake, to <br />the Engineer's Report; He also had three additional licenses for <br />the Council to consider; and, asked them to add 50th street, the <br />Rossow building removal, and 201 hearing to the Administrator's Re— <br />port. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the Agenda as amended. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />MINUTES: The Council agreed to delete paragraph 3 on page six, as the Council <br />did nbt agree to permanently close of Jamaca Avenue north of Jane Road <br />North at the March 17, 1981, City Council meeting, even though previous <br />Councils had agreed that the gate now proposed would be the last gate. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the minutes of the March 17, <br />1981, City Council meeting, as amended. Motion carried 5-0. <br />CLAIMS: Novak asked if the sewer bond payments listed were paid once per year. <br />Whittaker said he thought they were; and that interest on the bonds was <br />paid twice a year. The Council also wanted to know if all of the material <br />for the hockey boards had been received by the City. Whittaker daid he <br />would check on that and report back. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Morgan, to require all petitions for 429 projects <br />from citizens ,include a clause where the petitioners would agree to pay <br />for the cost of the study should the project not be ordered. The Council <br />considered the bill for the water main extension; and found that there <br />was little benefit to the general public from that study. Motion carried <br />5-0. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Novak, to approve Claims Nos. 81279 through <br />81325. Motion carried 5-0. <br />OFFICE PLANS: Administrator Whittaker advised the Council that he had met with <br />the Building Committee; and, they had asked him to contact the owners of <br />property next to the White Hat Restaurant, Hagberg's store, the land where <br />Lake Elmo Heating is, and the owners of the White Hat to see if any were <br />interested in selling land to the City for an office; and, if so, what they <br />would ask for it. Whittaker reported than none of these parties was willing <br />to sell; and that none would set a price nor negotiate a sale to the City. <br />Morgan said the City has enough land; and that he would be opposed to pur— <br />chasing any more land for a City office. He also said he favors office <br />expansion; is concerned about the total cost, and believes the building <br />ought to be designed for up to 20 years is it can be done within the <br />budget. <br />The Council asked Whittaker to see if land purchased with LAWCON funds <br />can be used for City offices. <br />
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