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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council meeting <br />April 7; 1981 <br />page 2 <br />(Office plans) <br />Novak said she has a problem using land that was acquired with park funds <br />for park purposes. Morgan said he did also but feels the Landfill and the <br />few acres in Sunfish Park that are farmed would be an exception. <br />Fraser still believes the Meyers property is the right location for the office; <br />but, she agrees that it is not reasonable at the price asked. She said sewer <br />and drainage are also problems with that site. While she would prefer to stay <br />on the south side of Hwy. 5, she sees no alternatives there now. So, she <br />sees the Brookman Addition as the next best site area even though it would <br />cost somewhat more to build the offices there than at the Landfill. She <br />went on to say that the present office has some value as a commercial building <br />the way it #;and it should be used for that. <br />Morgan said he did not think it was $25,000— $40,000 to the citizens to have <br />the City office be convenient. <br />Novak said that a remodeled City office would probably serve the City for <br />10 years. She does not think this would be money down the drain. There <br />would be ample space for present office needs; and, the City could probably <br />use the office space for some other function, like a parks or police depart— <br />ment, when the administrative staff outgrows it. She also said the City's <br />comp. plan does not call for the kind of growth that would lead one to expect <br />the need for widely expanded office in the next 10 years. <br />Mayor Eder asked if it would be possible to trade some of the farmed land in <br />Sunfish Lake for a piece on Hwy 5. Novak said it would cost more to build <br />there than at the �pand£ill, as there is no sewer system, well, or parking <br />area at that location. <br />Mottaz outlined his position: 1) It would not be cost—effective to remodel <br />the City office, as you could not recover the cost of the remodeling if the <br />building is sold; and, there is no room for expansion if growth of staff de— <br />mands iti.. 2)_` Adding on to the Fire Hall would only solve the immediate space <br />problems, would leave no room for expansion, would tie up the parking area <br />needed for the Fire Department, and might make access to the back bay difficult. <br />3) The plan to shars facilities with the library is still very attractive to <br />him; but, it is not practical at this time given library funding and location <br />ptoblemst 4) There is too little sapee on Main Street and the price is too <br />hith. 5) He is opposed to buying land when the City has enough land for the <br />building. The location of the City office is not all that critical to the <br />the citizen's. Other City Halls are not necessarily in the business section <br />or population centers of other cities. He likes the Sunfish Park location; <br />but feels it may be a bad precedent for the use of park lands. <br />In summary, Mottaz favors the landfill site because there is lots of room for <br />expansion, the City owns the land, there is sewer, water, and parking available, <br />and because some other City functions are already there. <br />( The Council recessed for dinner at 6:06 p,m.; and Mayor Eder expressed his <br />preferrenee for a site in the Broolmian Addition because he feels the City <br />office ought to remain in the downtown area. <br />