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04-07-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-07-81 CCM
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-3- <br />LAKE EL,MO CITY COUNCIL M+UPING, APRIL 79 1981 <br />Mayor Eder reconvened the meeting at 7:09 P.M. <br />STE'VE MATTSON,, JURAN & MOODY: <br />A. Equipment Certificates — The City proposed to sell $$1259000 in General <br />Obligation Equipment Certificates to off —set the purchase of the Telesquirt Fire <br />Truck. Mr. Mattson explained the process by which the City can sell these Certifi— <br />cates and submitted a contract for their purchase by Juran & Moody, Inc. <br />The Council reviewed the contract and agreed to the terms. <br />Mottaz moved seconded by Morgan, to adopt R 81-26, a Resolution authorizing the sale <br />of General Obligation E'qui:pment Certificates, in an amount of $$125,000, to Juran <br />& Moody, Inc., per the attached contract. Motion carried 4-0-1. Eder abstained, <br />stating he is an official at the First National Bank of St. Paul, the paying agent <br />for the bonds. <br />B, Industrial Revenue Bonds — Brookfield II Building — The City received a request <br />from the Brookfield Co. requesting the City to approve Industrial Development Revenue <br />Bonds to finance the Brookfield II building. <br />Mr. Mattson explained the use of these bonds and the City's part in their. issuance. <br />The City has issued IRB bonds in the past. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Morgan, to adopt R-81-20, a Resolution setting A hearing, <br />to consider Industrial Revenue Bonds for the Brookfield Co., for May 5, 1981, at <br />7:45 P.M. Motion carried 5-0. <br />BROOKMAN ADDITION DRAINAGE: Engineer Bohrer and the developers engineer reached an <br />agreement on the design criteria for the pond. Engineer Bohrer said both the pond <br />design and the drainage plan are in accordance with the present City policy and <br />recommended approving the grading plan for the pond subject to the conditions outlined <br />in his letter of April 79 1981. Mottaz suggested postponing approval until a <br />petition is received, from affected property owners, to study the entire area. He <br />does not think the City should initiate this action. Eder asked Fraser what .the <br />consensus of the Business Association was concerning a study and/or project for <br />this area. She said the Business Association is interested in a study of the <br />area but are at the discussion stage as to what action to pursue. She questioned <br />the impact on delaying a decision for Brookfield. II. <br />Kelly Brockman said the developers agree with the study/petition idea and would <br />agree to put in the pond, as shown, if the City deemed it necessary; but they <br />would like to avoid a double expenditure or assessmen•q.if possible. Mottaz agreed <br />to a conditional. approval. <br />Engineer Bohrer explained the old drainage plan. Novak asked how or if this plan <br />would fit into an over-all permanent plan. Bohrer said water may need to be <br />permanently`stored north of the railroad 'tracks. A study would better determine <br />size and locations of such storage and the Brockman Pond could. be converted for <br />greater storage, if necessary. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the Brookfield II development and <br />deafer construction of the pond until October 1, 19819 per the City Engineer's <br />recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. <br />
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