<br />-2-
<br />HUFF AND PUFF: Novak moved, seconded by Fraser, to adopt R-81-42,
<br />A Resolution Relating to Huff and Puff. Days in the City of Lake
<br />Elmo, and Officially`Dee3aring Huff and Puff Days as a Community
<br />Celebration. Motion carried 4-0.
<br />A,$.251clean-up deposit will still be required and an application
<br />for the beer license needs to be made.
<br />Novak moved, seconded by Fraser, to grant a special non -intoxicating
<br />malt liquor license to the Jaycees for Huff and Puff Days and to
<br />waive the rental fee for Lions Park.
<br />Novak and Fraser withdrew the motion pending verification of the
<br />liquor license application. The Jaycees will provide the City
<br />with a schedule of events.
<br />BOARD OF REVIEW: The Council reviewed the Assessors recommendations.
<br />Fraser moved, seconded by�Npvak� to adopt the following recom-
<br />mendations and changes: eRoy DUxrrow-37034-2460 - Change classification
<br />to Ag;- GenePeltler-37130=�4`30 `=""reduce value\,�o $3,OQ0-,,Fred
<br />Ranallo 37021 Uredt�F by $2,025,','Ilelexi k3'slier-37095-3100 -
<br />reduce value by $8,900; Te(__Utitly-37444-2850 - reduce value by
<br />$13,140; B'ob Dr�eh'er-37034-33�50`- cian e Fkassification on pole
<br />building to Residential,' Georg `Ki Ewv"�i`s�ki-37014-2950 reduce value
<br />by $1,655, 37014-3000 - reduce value by W,415, and 37014-3050 -
<br />reduce value by $1,310; gjyd'e`Theits-37085-3800 - reduce value
<br />by $5,000; Ken 'Sovereign-37008-0280 - Mottaz moved, seconded by
<br />Fraser, to amend the Assessors recommendation and reduce the
<br />value by $860. Motion carried 4-0.; Mike Dirtz0737021-3250 -
<br />increase value,,by $3,450; Allen Siedel-37445-2893 - reduce value
<br />by $1,735; Loren Barber-37240-3900 - reduce value by $2,380;
<br />Bob Johnson-37135-4560-- a4ange classification to Residential
<br />retro-active one year, P1i�schumnerlin-37010-0855 - correct
<br />calculation error and reduce value by $7,500;'Glen Peterson-
<br />37440-3000 - reduce value by $3,500; Albena Lunka-37750-3550 -
<br />reduce value by $4,250; Al-fred Zurcher-37090-2559 - reduce value
<br />by $19,4457 Art Schaefer="37_09_0_-_2_6_9- reduce value by $15,685;
<br />Francis Eder - reduce value by $16,525; Lloyd Shervheim
<br />37700-2550 and 2300 - Council agreed the lots should be valuer --
<br />as unbuildable. The Administrator will get an opinion from the
<br />Attorney and Engineer on the buildability of the lots.:o.T.his will
<br />be reconsidered in 1982.
<br />Motion carried 4-0. The record. -was corrected to show that
<br />Novak stayed until 6 p.m. and Fraser until 8:30 p.m. -for the
<br />Board of Review.
<br />A. Cable TV Resolutions to Ramsey Washington Commission Amend CST
<br />The Administrator reviewed the recommendations outlined in Agenda
<br />memo.
<br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to apply for a Cable Service
<br />Territory amendment, ask each community in the Joint Powers
<br />Agreement to agree to an amendment to the agreement which would
<br />permit Lake Elmo to become a part of their franchise authority,
<br />appeal to the Cable Commission at their July 9, 1981, meeting
<br />for their support in these efforts and approve an initial asses-
<br />sment of $1,000 for the Commission.
<br />