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06-16-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-16-81 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 16, 1981 <br />-3- <br />Cable TV Resolutions - Discussion: In response to Frasers <br />questions, t e Attorney said that legally one part of the City <br />can be franchised; but, the City cannot contract with Alan <br />Brakemier on a separate temporary basis. The City is required <br />to follow the franchise procedure set forth by Statute. Whittaker <br />explained the City's obligation to the Cable Commission during the <br />time a service area is being considered. He also explained the <br />exemption that provides for a system serving less than 5.0 customers. <br />Mr. Brakemier said that if the City joins with another service <br />area that the City loses a great deal of control of the system; <br />and that will have an impact on the local orgination and take <br />the individuality away from the system. Whittaker explained the <br />current interconnections that Lake Elmo has with s:zrrounding <br />communities and how the voting process works. <br />Motion carried 3-1. Novak opposed. Novak based her vote on <br />the fact that the majority of students in Lake Elmo are not in <br />the school district of the territory being requested. <br />B. Tow Away Zones - The Attorney said the City can post tow away <br />zones provi ed the signs meet the standards set forth in the State <br />Sign Manual. He saw no problems in initiating tow away zones, <br />provided the reason relates to a public purpose such as traffic <br />safety, parking, etc. The Statute provides for local concern and <br />control. Signs on State Aid street need to be approved by the <br />Commissioner of Public Safety. <br />r <br />Mottaz asked about who would tow and where the cars would be <br />impounded; also, the City's legal liability for damage during <br />and/or storage of a towed car. <br />The Attorney will check the City's liability and check with.the_- <br /> County's experiences with vehicle liability, once <br />a vehicle is towed. The Mayor recommended that the Administrator <br />and Attorney draft an ordinance and talk to the Sheriffs department <br />on liability insurance and who they contract with for towing. <br />Signs will be ordered after the liability question is satisified. <br />C. Civil Defense Director - The Attorney reviewed the statutory <br />requirements for a Civil Defense Director; and, outlined the <br />parameters of the director's duties and the authority of the <br />Council over the director. Authority of the Director is delegated <br />through the Civil Defense Plan. <br />A draft plan, prepared by Renate Paulson, was.distributed to the <br />Council for their review. <br />Administrator Whittaker recommended clarifing the duties and <br />responsibilities of the Director in the City Ordinance during <br />discussion of the plan; and, seeking a Director who can work <br />with the Maintenance Department and Fire Department, during an <br />emergency and who understands their operations, This to be addressed <br />when considering a new Civil Defense Director. <br />Renate Paulson will present the plan July 7. <br />
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