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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 16, 1981 <br />-5- <br />Sludge Site - Mottaz urged the Council to make some decisions <br />Before e a site is designated, as to which option would be less <br />( detrimental to the community. He explained why he felt a sludge <br />and ash site would be a preferred option. He also stressed..the <br />absolute necessity that County 13 remain in operation <br />and not be closed because of a landfill site. Mottaz urged <br />working with area legislators to promote compensation from the State <br />for communities that have to receive metropolitan wastes, not gen- <br />erated by the recipient community. <br />The Council instructed the Engineer and the Administrator to <br />prepare a response to the Met Council addressing the. reasons <br />why Lake Elmo is unsuitable for any type of disposal site. A <br />copy of the letter will be sent to the Council for review and <br />include the letter sent to the City from Harvey Allen. <br />BREAK: 10:10 to 10:20 <br />1006 ALTERNATES: Eder reported that the VBWD expects to exceed the <br />Preliminary Fund for Project 1006. They are requesting Lake <br />Elmo increase their commitment to the fund by $2,000. The <br />City would then be liable for $8,000 if Project 1006 is not <br />ordered. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to authorize an increase of <br />$2,000 in the City commitment to the 1006 Preliminary Fund. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />CONSERVENCY REGULATION: Mottaz moved, seconded by Eder, to adopt <br />Ordinance 7927, amending the Zoning Ordinance by adding Section <br />305 - Restrictive Soil's Overlay District and Section 306 - <br />Wetland Protection and Preservation Overlay District. <br />Discussion: Eder encouraged the Zoning Administrator to include <br />field work as a part of enforcing the regulation; <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />OFFICE PLANS: <br />A. Lions Park -- The Council reviewed the Administrator's memo <br />on the uBilding Committee recommendation to use Lions Park for <br />the City Office. Discussion included changes within the various <br />parks and reorienting their use. <br />Novak strongly opposed using Lions Park for:.the office site stating <br />it is historically an area of recreation in the Old Village; and <br />is one of the worst drainage areas in the City. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to table further discussion <br />until all the Council members are present. Motion carried 4-0. <br />B. Lions Park Tennis Courts - Whittaker advised the Council that, <br />since Lions Park is being considered as an alternate office site, <br />a decision has to be made on resurfacing the tennis courts. <br />The contractor will only hold his bid until June 17. Mottaz did <br />not favor resurfacing the courts without correcting the cause of <br />the problem. Novak agreed. <br />Eder moved, seconded by Mottaz, to rescind the previous motion <br />to accept the bid from T. A. Schifsky, to resurface the tennis <br />courts in Lions Park, and reject all bids. Motion carried 4-0. <br />