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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 16, 1981 <br />-6- <br />PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT: <br />A. Advertisameriti Maintenance Foreman/Superintendent - <br />Fraser explained udie Sob title, job aescript on and pay range. <br />She invited interested Council members to participate in the <br />preliminary screening and interviewing process. General review <br />Amended of job descri do w 1ll be co siderQd,durin y dq t prep ration.*The <br />7/7/81 Salary range pestaslisied for tie position wads 59;00 to �23 500 The <br />'committee exye8ts a ood candidate can be hire for 20 0 0 fo $�0,500. <br />B. Personne ommrt ee Meeting - The next PersonnelCommittee <br />meeting will be June 8, at 2 p.m. <br />ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Audit - The Council expressed no specific concerns about the <br />audit. The Administrator will check the sick pay reference and <br />the budget comparisons. <br />Fraser moved, seconded by Eder, to accept the 1981 City Audit. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />B. Computer Grant IISAC - Whittaker explained the IISAC grant <br />application and t at the City can benefit from $25,000 in IISAC <br />funds to develop Software for fund accounting by matchingthe.,.... <br />IISAC grant with $500 of City money. <br />Fraser moved, seconded by Eder, to appropriate $500 to match the <br />IISAC grant money to secure data processing. Discussion: Whittaker <br />said the 1981 budget provided $350 per month for data processing, <br />that has not been used. Approximately $3,609 is available. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />C. Retirement Considerations - Richert & Hedges - The Administrator <br />sugges e t e Council form a committee o wor on the details <br />for the retirement of Molly Hedges and Elmer Richert. <br />D. Liquor in Pebble Park - Handled earlier in meeting. <br />E. Water Surface Use - Notice to Riparian Owners - The Council <br />decided to distribute the Water Surface Use Ordinance through <br />the City Newsletter in the Shopper. <br />F. Administrator's Withdrawl -_OPERA - The Administrator <br />reviewed hi d cision to withdraw from PERA and asked the City <br />to defer his pension entitlement to the ICMA Retirement Fund. <br />Fraser moved, seconded by Novak, to adopt R-81-44, a Resolution <br />Approving Election of Laurence E. Whittaker to be excluded from <br />Public Employees Retirement Association. Motion carried 4-0. <br />Fraser moved, seconded by Novak, to adopt R-81-45, A Resolution <br />Authorizing Agreement With the City Adminiscrator relating to <br />Deferred Compensation. Motion carried 4-0. Motion carried 4-0. <br />G. Planning Grants - Whittaker explained the new guidelines set <br />by the Met Council for distribution of 1981-82 Planning Assistance <br />Grants. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to adopt g-81-46, A Resolution <br />Superceeding R-80-52, and Requesting 1980-81, Local Planning <br />Assistance Entitlement Grant Funds from the Metropolitan Council. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />