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CITY OF I:AKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 2, 1981 -2- <br />FEASIBILITY, 1981 MSA PROJECT: Engineer Bohrer reviewed the Feasibility <br />( Report. Notations were made on parcels that changed ownership or <br />were split. It was recommended that the road centerline be on <br />the section line. The Engineer stated that the centerline could <br />be placed similar tothe existing centerline, but these decisions <br />are usually made during the final preparation stage and can be <br />discussed with the property owners at that time. <br />The Council discussed assessment formulas, rates of assessment, and <br />Green Acres property. The report figures were based cn the <br />desirability to assess as little as possible on the project. The <br />Administrator questioned committing future MSA money as a means of <br />reducing the amount assessed for the project. He recommended <br />a formula that would reserve enough`. MSA funds to cover the 10 year <br />MSA construction program for the City. <br />The Engineer will prepare rough cost estimates on those streets <br />anticipated to be reconstructed within the next 10 years. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to adopt a-81-41, A Resolution <br />accepting the Feasibility Report and calling a public hearing on <br />the 1981 MSA Project, the improvement of 47th Street, Julep, <br />45th Street, and Keats Avenue, for June 30, 1981, at 8 p.m. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />WELL #2: The Administrator reported that Elmer Richert is satisified <br />with the maintenance permformance from McCarthy Well. He <br />recommended that the pulling and inspection of the pump be budgeted <br />for in 1982. The 'Council asked about the feasiblity of inter- <br />connecting with the Cimarron water supply as a backup. The <br />Engineer said it was feasible from a construction standpoint; but, <br />not economically feasible unless there was a plan to include the <br />south half of Sec. 24 and all of Sec. 25 in a future water service <br />area. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Fraser, to authorize the Engineer to <br />proceed with a Feasibility Study for a second well in the Old <br />Village. Discussion - Morgan did'not feel there is an urgency <br />to establish a second well and that a cost estimate can be obtained <br />without spending $1500. Motion carried 4-1 Morgan opposed. <br />PROJECT 1006: The Administrator reported on the informational meeting <br />held by Valley Branch, on Project 1006. Novak asked why Downs <br />Lake was included. Whittaker said it was included to show alternate <br />pipe sizes from Lake Elmo to Horseshoe Lake. Mayor Eder suggested <br />questions or concerns be directed to Barr Engineering. Further <br />discussion was tabled until the next meeting. <br />COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. Mayor Eder - Office Plans - Eder proposed using the present <br />Council Chambers as tYn new City Office. He outlined hbw the <br />office areas could be structured and suggested using the present <br />City Office as Council Chambers and improving the garage area to <br />serve as a second meeting room. He estimated the cost, excluding <br />furniture, at between $5,000 and $7,000; and recommended getting a <br />firm estimate on the proposal. This would serve as an interm <br />solution until expansion and staff needs are better determined <br />