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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 2, 1981 <br />-3- <br />Office Plans Continued - The Council discussed the landscape design <br />cohcept and the possiblity of adapting it into the remodeling alternative. <br />Novak would consider looking into the proposal; but, would like to <br />review the remodeling estimates on the present office. Mottaz did <br />not feel either proposal addresses the real need or offers a long <br />term solution. He favors continuing to explore alternatives that <br />will solve the space needs on a permanent basis. Fraser felt a <br />new building is needed. The Council will continue to review <br />alternatives. <br />BREAK: 9:05 <br />RECONVENE: 9:15 <br />B. Councillor Fraser - <br />1. Cable TV Fraser moved, seconded by Eder, to direct the <br />Administrator to contact the adjacent communities that are <br />considering cable service, and ascertain their willingness to <br />have Lake Elmo join them and come back to the Council with <br />their responses and conditions of participation. Discussion: <br />Fraser said the intent of this motion is to support pursuing <br />a franchsis for the following reasons: <br />1. A strong and continuing citizen support for cable TV, <br />2. The time is now to pursue the service since surrounding <br />communities are actively involved in the process and <br />because an overwhelming majority of other communities <br />are pursuing the cable question. <br />3. The cost to franchise one area of the City is almost as <br />expensive as the process of franchising the entire City. <br />The cost is reduced by joining other communities and <br />benefitting from a more extensive survey. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Fraser moved, seconded by Novak, to instruct the Administrator <br />to discuss the following questions with the City Attorney <br />and report back to the Council: <br />1. Is a short term franchise feasible at Cimarron. <br />2. Is a short term arrangement with Allen Brakemeier feasible <br />from a legal standpoint. <br />Discussion: Whittaker recommended that the Attorney come in <br />and discuss the general legal context of the questions. Fraser <br />agreed that this suggestion is within the intent of the motion. <br />The Council agreed to.._ask the Attorney to attend the Jitne l(-. JR <br />meeting. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />2. Personnel Committee Report - Fraser updated the Council on the <br />committeeeeting and outlined the areas of involvement and <br />approaches they discussed. She asked the Council to submit any <br />additional suggestions before their next meeting, June 9. <br />C. Councillor Morgan - <br />1. Demontreville Access - Morgan reported on the Park Commission <br />meeting with the-Mn DNR, Demontreville residents, and Frank <br />Kubicheck. The Park Commission minutes summarized the recom- <br />mendations made at the meeting. Morgan gave a brief background <br />of previous negotiations with the DNR on an access for Lake <br />Demontreville. <br />