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CITY OF LAKE ELMO, MSA PROJECT PUBLIC HEARING, JUNE 30, 1981 <br />Mayor Eder opened the hearing at 8 p.m. <br />Councillors in attendance: Novak, Morgan, Mottaz and Fraser. Also <br />Administrator Whittaker and Engineer Bohrer. <br />Engineer Bohrer reviewed the project, the variance request for 30 mph <br />curves, estimated costs and MSA funding. <br />General Comments on the Project <br />Dave Storholm Asked what needs to be done to make the road line up <br />5240 Keats with the section line. <br />Engineer Bohrer <br />Said the present road generally lies to the west of <br />the section line and consideration is being given <br />to putting it exactly on the section line. This <br />detail is usually worked out during the final plan <br />review. Cost estimates are based on realigning the <br />road and the least expensive approach will be followed.. <br />Dave Storholm <br />Asked about paving the existing road; less costly. <br />Engineer Bohrer <br />Can pave road as it exists today - have an option. <br />Consideration of the impact on both sides of the <br />road would be given and a decision of which would <br />have the least impact on property owners on either <br />side. <br />R. Menz <br />5615 Keats <br />Asked how far off center Keats is. <br />Engineer Bohrer <br />It is worst at 36. The section line is very close <br />to the east side of the road. About 10 ft. off center at <br />this point; by the time it reaches 47th St. it is <br />about right on the line. At no point is it too far to <br />the east. <br />Recent certificates of survey for property in this area <br />have the property description going to the section line. <br />Surveys he has seen show a 33 ft. road easement off <br />of the section line. Even tho the road may be mis- <br />placed there may still be an easement. <br />Ron Kane <br />Asked about the cost to individual property owners. <br />5010 Keats <br />Engineer Bohrer Have computed it a number of different ways. Will <br />address later in the hearing. <br />Chuck Meyer Aeked if the City would need additional property other <br />than the 33 ft. easement included in the survey. <br />Engineer Bohrer Depending on the terrain sometimes additional temporary <br />f easements may be necessary in order to make the slope. <br />Estimates for compensation has been included in the <br />project. Also the public has a right or easement over <br />the road as it is presently aligned the right of the <br />Public meanders with the road. <br />