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_2_ <br />Steve Raleigh Asked if the road were right now <br />5055 Keats would all the described 33 ft easements be adjusted <br />( so that the easement was from the center of the road <br />and not the section line. Because it would end up <br />being a more permanent road. <br />Engineer Bohrer It would be the intent to cleanup the right-of-way <br />issue so that it is clear to everybody. From an <br />engineering standpoint the road could be built right <br />on the section line or could be built closely to what <br />it is now. would be willing to work with the property <br />owners and whichever has the least impact -work it out <br />that way. <br />The road could have slight angles in it to help line it <br />up at Highway 36. There is an area adjacent to the lake <br />on the Eleanor Raleigh property that is low and if the <br />road gets shifted slightly to the east this would take <br />quite a bit of fill to make a safe slope off of the road. <br />Eleanor Raleigh How wide is the road going to be, including the shoulders. <br />5193 Keats <br />Engineer From the edge of the gravel shoulder to the edge of the <br />other gravel shoulder would be 32 ft wide. The present <br />road varies from 22 to 24 ft. wide. <br />Catherine Crocker Asked about old culverts along the road and if they <br />5093 Keats would be replaced. <br />Engineer Culverts under driveways would be replaced only if they <br />are deteriorated or undersized. Do plan to replace all <br />the culverts that cross the road; but if the driveway <br />culvert still functions and is not undersized it would <br />not be changed routinely. <br />Herb Crocker If widening the road 4-5 ft would mean many of the culverts <br />will have to be moved, because the ditch will be in a <br />different place. <br />Engineer Then they would be replaced. A number of culverts have <br />been figured in the prices. <br />Steve Raleigh Questioned the success ratio in asking and receiving <br />a variance from the State on not only the 30 mph curves <br />but variances in general. How has the State responded to <br />these. <br />Engineer The variance: -is new since the first of 1981. Prior to <br />this, the State Aid Engineer had a certain latitude of <br />his own to make these kinds of discretionary judgements. <br />He no longer has this ability. A committee has been set <br />up. Bohrer reported on a 2 ft road variance he was <br />granted. He said several variances have been granted for <br />road width on urban type streets. <br />Steve Raleigh Questioned the width of the clear-cut area. Noted 150 <br />trees would be removed including 50 that would require <br />the stumps grubbed out. He felt the clear-cut area was <br />excessive for a residential street. Suggested this is <br />upgrading the road to something similar to a major artery. <br />