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06-30-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-30-81 CCM
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-3- <br />Steve Raleigh- And,feels this exceeds the needs of the community and <br />the neighborhood. <br />Engineer Rohrer — Defined the clearcut area; and stated that safety is the primary <br />reason for the clearcut area. The area is determined by the number <br />of cars that drive on the road per day. The Engineer said he <br />has had no experience in asking for a variance to reduce a clear- <br />cut area as it is a safety issue. He explained the required slope area <br />to Mr. Raleigh, stating the area near the lake would benefit most <br />by keeping the road on .its present alignment. <br />Dave Storholm — Asked what impact all.the land presently in Green Acres would have <br />on the financing of the project. <br />]lhgineer Bohrer — Explained the assessment procedure for Green Acres property. Asses— <br />sments are not exempt, only deferred. The City will have to determine <br />how project costs will be paid until such time as Green Acre property <br />owners pay their share. <br />Chuck Meyer — Asked if the .road is brought up to State standards twill it not <br />then meet the standards of a County road. <br />Engineer Bohrer— Traffic is the determining factor. As traffic increases the .road <br />gets wider.. City road standards also have to be met for width. <br />The City does not intend to have Keats serve as a County road. <br />The Engineer indicated where a proposed north/south County col— <br />lector has been discussed. <br />Chuck Meyer — questioned the possibility of Keats continuing south and hooking <br />up with 914. <br />Mayor Eder — The road plan referred to by Mr. Meyer was a 19 % proposal and <br />-is not in existence today. Present plans do not indicate Keats <br />as a north/south County collector. <br />Chuck Meyer — Asked if the City could turn down the project and still use the <br />$215,Oo-a,k1n state money to build -a lesser road. <br />Engineer Bohrer — T*plained the process of qualifying for State money and how it <br />must be used <br />Don Moris — At 45th and Julep, how far would the road move NW for the curve. <br />Engineer. Bohrer— Presently square corner; would need .35A on each corner. If the <br />curve variance is not granted the City would have to dsoids if <br />they want to do the project with State Aid funds. With 40 mph <br />curves, one acre would be needed. <br />Steve Raleigh — Asked if streets, other than those designated on the map, could <br />qualify for State Aid money, could the designation be changed. <br />Ihgineer Bohrer— Outlined other streets witTain the City that are State Aid roads. <br />He indicated that not all these streets are in the 12 year program . <br />Other routes can be designated but criteria states the State Aid <br />( route connect two other high use routes. <br />
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