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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL - July 21, 1981 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. <br />PRESENT - Fraser, Morgan, Mottaz, Novak; City Administrator Whittaker. <br />AGENDA - Motion was made to adopt the agenda as amended; seconded and <br />carried. <br />MINUTES - Novak moved the June 30 public hearing minutes be accepted as <br />written. Mottaz seconded; motion carried (4 ayes). Eder moved the <br />July 7 minutes be accepted as amended: <br />Page 7, second to last line, and page 8, "Ffaser.Mottaz moved, . <br />. . Motion carried 5-9 4-0 (Fraser abstained). <br />Fraser seconded; motion carried (4 ayes). <br />CLAIMS - Novak moved approval of Claims 81561 thru 81597 (81597 was <br />additional, Fire Chief's Conference, $75). Fraser seconded; motion <br />carried (4 ayes). <br />INTERFUND AUDIT ADJUSTMENTS - After discussion and upon recommendation <br />of the auditor, Fraser moved to adopt Resolution 81-53*: <br />A RESOLUTION ORDERING INTERFUND AUDIT ADJUSTMENTS. <br />Mottaz seconded; motion carried (4 ayes). <br />Whittaker noted that 2nd sheet of resolution, "City of Lake Elmo Fund <br />Balances," should be titled "Adjusting the Reserve Balances in the <br />{ General Fund." To be transferred from General Fund to Building Reserve <br />are $131,071.13 from road find. in order to merely straighten out <br />books (other funds have already been designated into reserve). This <br />item deferred to next meeting. <br />(Morgan arrived.) <br />EMS SUBSIDY - Tom Cropp, owner of Stillwater Ambulance, was present to <br />solicit contract ($3,028.00 for balance of 1981) with Lake Elmo to <br />subsidize ambulance/emergency services with his Company due to County <br />formula change in funding. (REF: Whittaker memo to City Council re <br />7/21/81 City Council Agenda.) Mr. Cropp pointed out that he loses <br />about $5,o00-$6,000 a year making uncollectable runs to Lake Elmo, or <br />about 20% of runs to ALL areas. Comments: <br />.Whittaker - Lake Elmo is not in the business of financing Medicare, <br />welfare clients, etc; money should come from the State. <br />...Cropp answered question that Federal and State grant money was <br />stopped (for equipment, etc), but not money for services. <br />..:Fraser - How can we use money that is already appropriated? We <br />should speak emphatically to County and apply appropriate pressure <br />to County to dispense money from their level. <br />...Mottaz - County is passing the buck. <br />General consensus of Council was that more information should be <br />( provided to make contract decision—i.e. how money is presently being <br />spent; total amount of Country distributed dollars; collections from <br />Lake Elmo in 1979, 1980, 1st half 1981; total number of uncollectable <br />* attached. <br />