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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL - 7/21/81 Page 2 <br />calls, broken into welfare, Medicaid, etc; and loss dollars. Whittaker <br />will supply this list of information needed to Cropp for his input. <br />Mottaz moved that EMS Subsidy discussion be deferred to 8/4/81 meeting. <br />Morgan seconded; motion carried (5 ayes). <br />DEMONTREVILLE ACCESS_ <br />A. Tow -away Zones (REF: Whittaker memo to City Council re agenda) - <br />Comments were: <br />...Gary Swanson, Deputy Sheriff - noted that 45 tickets have come <br />back from Clerk of Court in last 2 months, with others outstanding. <br />...Whittaker - Tow -away zone unduly ties up officers' time and <br />doesn't accomplish what we want. <br />...Fraser - Let it go as is. <br />...Greg Fouks (7864 Demont. Tr.) - Even with tow -away, problem is <br />still there; if access not barricaded, seriousness of problem <br />will increase. <br />...James Ruppecht (7910 Demont. Tr.) - Takes acception to "not very <br />many repeaters"; number of tickets issued shows problem is bigger <br />than we thought. Ticketing is not doing the job; if towing is too <br />hard, barricade is even more important. <br />...Gary Swanson - Guideline he Uses for issuing tickets is that if <br />previous officer has tagged vehicle, he'll tag it again but will <br />not tag his own tickets twice. <br />...Fraser - Since. County Courtssets fines, County could review their <br />fines for possible increases. <br />...Whittaker - Cost for barricades is expensive; possibility that DNR <br />will provide parking soon. In order to put up tow -away signs, we <br />have to ask County Board, and if County Sheriff doesn't support <br />that request it won't go anywhere. <br />...Mottaz - Has inquiry been made of County Engineer to put up post <br />and cable? (Whittaker - haven't talked to him yet.) <br />Whittaker will pursue this problem with the County, and cable will be <br />pursued. <br />B. DNR Acquisition_- Mottaz moved Resolution 81-54*: <br />A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL <br />RESOURCES CONDEMN LOT 6, DEMONTREVILLE HIGHLANDS, 5TH ADDITION, <br />FOR A PUBLIC LAKE ACCESS. <br />Morgan seconded. Discussion: <br />...Whittaker - Best route to go, according to DNR official, would <br />be to have Kubicheck agree to friendly condemnation. Otherwise <br />Commissioner of DNR would have to recommend "non -friendly" <br />condemnation to Executive Committee (Governor, Attorney General, <br />& State Auditor -included), and there's remote possibility for <br />approval of condemnation. <br />( MbrSan - should provide only the minimum number of parking places <br />that DNR standards allow. <br />* attached <br />