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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL - 7/21/81 <br />Page 3 <br />...Whittaker - If parking places designed according to their present <br />( standards (500 sq.ft. ea car -with -trailer and 200 sq.ft. ea car), <br />they would cover less than a quarter of the lot if they used 23 <br />cars. Might be wise to provide 10 additional places for fishermen. <br />...David Garloff (7856 Demont. Tr.) - As we've discussed before, <br />we're talking about 13 spaces for vehicles w/trailers, knowing <br />that some people are bringing their boats without a trailer, so <br />we're actually providing parking for more than 13. We're expecting <br />a certain configuration from DNR; we should make sure that we <br />get that. If Council does anything outside that configuration, <br />believes it'll be a disservice to the people in that area. <br />...Eder - We're aware of the concerns of area residents; We know once <br />we get past the condemnation, we have to have a better sketch plan. <br />Eder has said he wanted DNR to move on the plan; if not, we would <br />think about closing the access... this fall. <br />No further discussion; motion carried (5 ayes). <br />KRAMER VARIANCE - Mottaz moved that a variance be granted to Evelyn <br />Kramer to replace destroyed garage —including variance for sideyard <br />setback, distance between proposed building and road, and acknowledging <br />that it has no impact on drainage. Novak seconded; motion carried <br />(5 ayes). <br />Whittaker will notify east neighbor (Schwartz) of variance including <br />sideyard setback, and hold permit until his approval. <br />SEWER SYSTEM ON CITY LOT. LEMIRE - Council feels two options are open: <br />(a) sell it or deed it with provision that drainfield/on-site sewer <br />could be put on property by someone else, or (b) retain ownership and <br />give neighbors easement. Jerry LeMire expressed willingness to buy <br />land and give right to someone else to put drainfield-on property <br />if necessary. <br />Mottaz moved that Lake Elmo sell the property and maintain easements <br />for additional drainfields. Morgan seconded. Mottaz withdrew motion. <br />Mottax moved that item be tabled until next 'meeting pending more <br />information —copies of plat, land value, asking price, liability to <br />City, etc. Novak seconded; motion carried (5 ayes). <br />INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS, Brookfield II Project, Final Action) - <br />Fraser moved passage of Resolution 81-55*: <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A <br />PROJECT UNDER THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT <br />AND THE SALE AND ISSUANCE OF A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE <br />NOTE TO FINANCE THIS PROJECT, AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE <br />EXECUTION OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS. <br />Novak seconded; motion carried (5 ayes). <br />attached <br />