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LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 21, 1981 <br />Mayor Eder convened the meeting at 9:25 a.m. <br />PRESENT: Fraser, Morgan, Mottaz, Novak; Administrator Whittaker and <br />Accountant II Banister was also present. <br />ABSENT: None <br />CLEAN-UP DAYS: The City Council agreed that the City must charge a <br />user fee for all future clean-up days; and that a second clean- <br />up day should be held in October, 1981. Fees will be based, <br />initially, on fees charged by other communities; then, it will <br />be based on actual costs per user after the Fall clean-up. Non- <br />residents will be discouraged; and, they will be charged double <br />fees if they participate anyway. <br />The Council decided that community groups, which provide a pick- <br />up service for residents who cannot bring their own refuse to the <br />clean-up site, should have a separate access and should not be' <br />charged, <br />YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU: The Council indicated that Lake Elmo will no <br />longer support the Youth Service Bureaus, as they are human <br />services which should be supported, evaluated and controlled by <br />Washington County. The Council supported a recommendation by <br />the City Administrator to seek the support of other communities <br />in getting County Board approval of this position. <br />CIVIL DEFENSE: The Council agreed to a $500 budget for Civil Defense <br />in 1982. <br />NEWSLETTER: After considerable discussion, the Council agreed to <br />budget '$6,000 for the Newsletter for 1982. <br />PLANNING: The Council agreed to budget $4,000 for Highway planning, <br />especially in critical areas such as the County Road 13 alignment, <br />the area between Legion Avenue and Lake Elmo Avenue, and the area <br />around Ideal, First Street and Immanual. Other areas where oppor- <br />tunities to provide access are limited may also be studied. <br />The Council agreed that the City does not need a budget for <br />Surface water planning at this time; and decided to leave the <br />balance from flood assessments in the undesignated General Fund <br />reserves for now. <br />FIRE INSPECTION: The Council budgeted $300 for additional training <br />of the Building Inspector (or a Fireman) for fire prevention <br />inspections. It will appear under training in the inspections <br />budget. <br />BUILDING INSPECTION FEES: The Council agreed present.fees are adequate <br />to finance the department. <br />ANIMAL CONTROL: The Council expressed concern about the rising cost <br />of animal control. In order to better control and finance this <br />program, the Council agreed to: <br />1. Encourage the Animal Control Officer to write more tickets; <br />2. Attach a penalty to license fees for dogs found to be at - <br />large without a license; <br />3, Certify unpaid impoundment charges for collection with property <br />taxes, where the owner of an at -large dog is known; <br />