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LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, AUGUST 21, 1981 <br />page 2 <br />4. Increase impoundment fees so that they more nearly cover <br />the costs of impoundment. <br />GRADER/GRADING: The Council discussed.the need grader, the <br />options the City might have to owning a grader (i.e. leasing, <br />contracting with the County or another City, buying a used <br />grader from Mahtomedi, buying another truck for snowplowing, <br />pricing snow plowing contracts with others). They instructed <br />the City Administrator to explore all of these options before <br />making a recommendation on the purchase of a new grader in 1982. <br />PARK MAINTENANCE: Morgan expressed concern that the budget reflected <br />an inordinate amount of personnel time under park maintenance. <br />Whittaker and Banister indicated that the time assigned to parks <br />was taken from the time cards; and included wages for two temporary <br />employees for the summer of 1982, as the City has no assurance <br />that the County will provide them at no cost as has been done <br />for several years. Morgan indicated he would like the new <br />Foreman/Superintendent to watch the time cards more closely. <br />COUNCIL SALARIES: Fraser said Council salaries should reflect cost of <br />living increases since they were last raised. The Council felt <br />the salaries should remain the same. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT TRAINING: After some discussion, the Council asked <br />*amended the Fire Department to provide a "training program" explaining <br />9/1/81 t-ie--ve-r--o s- raq 3 g-ems--HrcmEn-ato �entl;-and <br />- }e13as1 how best to meet department needs through training. <br />The Council felt, perhaps, that more training dollars should be <br />spent on training for the whole department; and leas money should <br />be spent on conferences for two or three. firemen. <br />LEVY/MIL RATE: The Council instructed Whittaker and Banister to ; <br />prepare an estimate of the impact of the budget on the mil <br />rate and actual dollars each resident would pay through property <br />taxes for the next budgetmeeting. <br />ADMINISTRATOR'S COMPENSATION: The Council agreed with the Admin- <br />istrator's request for an 8 percent increase in total compensation <br />if other employees get 8 percent; and a 9 percent increase in <br />total compensation if other employees receive 9 percent. The 9 <br />percent package would be distributed as follows: <br />$30,443 salary <br />984 Health insurance <br />600 expenses <br />1,000 ICMA Annual Conference <br />Final determination of compensation for all employees, for 1982, <br />will be made once pay settlements for other area communities are <br />known. <br />FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING: The Council agreed that 1981 and 1982 <br />Federal Revenue Sharing Funds should be used to offset costs of <br />the contract for police service with Washington County, subject <br />to review at the public hearing on September 15, 1981. An <br />equal amount of General Fund revenues will be appropriated to <br />Office improvements in 1981 and towards the Levy offset reserve <br />i.n 1982. <br />