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LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, AUGUST 21, 1981 <br />page 3 <br />ENGINEERING, TABLYN PARK: M/S/P. Mottaz and Morgan. To approve <br />up to $1,500 for the Engineering of the driveway, and parking <br />area in Tablyn Park, including surveying, plans and specs., <br />and inspection services. <br />OFFICE IMPROVEMENTS: Mayor Eder expressed his desire to complete <br />the study of alternatives on the present office/fire hall <br />site before considering any other alternatives. In dis:;ussion, <br />the Council agreed that this study should include the alterna- <br />tive of adding Council Chambers to the present office building, <br />along with the previous questions of adding onto the fire hall, <br />remodeling the present office building, and tearing down the <br />present building for a new office building. <br />M/S/P Morgan and Novak. To authorize up to $1,200 for <br />Sessing Architects Inc. to study the feasibility, cost, <br />and practicability of:, <br />1. Adding City Offices onto the Fire Hall; <br />2. Remodeling the present office building (including <br />garage) for office use only; <br />3. Remodeling the present office building (including <br />garage) for office use and adding a Council Chamber.; <br />and, <br />4. Tearing down the present office building for construction <br />of a new office building with or without Council Chambers. <br />The architect is to be particularly concerned about the site <br />plan; adequacy of parking for the office, Council and Fire <br />Department functions; the advantage of using the present <br />building vs., new construction. <br />Mottaz and Fraser voted against the motion. <br />ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m. <br />