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CITY COUNCIL 9/15/81 <br />PAGE 3 <br />A, ' Btadget`'axi'd4` �y <br />Mayor drier opeMele Budget Hearing at 8:17 p.m, <br />Marilyn Banister, Finance Officer�l reviewed the final budget summary <br />with. the Council.. <br />Mayor Eder closed to hearing at 8140. p.m.. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz; to adopt Resolution 81=E2,` <br />A .^RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1982 BUDGET AND LEVYING THE 1982 <br />PROPERTY TAXES'. <br />B,,-:1'9'82 Pay�Rlan' <br />The oun� �c11"kb ei wed the Administrator's memo on the Pay Plan. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Novak to adopt the 1982 Pay Plan. <br />C. Auditor _ 1981 Report <br />Administrator Whi to er recommended the Council consider:appointing <br />DeLaHunt, Voto to prepare this years audit report, The estimate of <br />the Voto firm is comparible to Moen and Penttilalwho did the 1980 <br />audit, Both the Administrator and the Finance Officer felt DeLaHunt <br />Voto provided a better report and service'.to the City, <br />M/S/P Mottaz, Fraser to appoint DeLaHunt, Voto as the 1982 auditing <br />firm, <br />7. OANDALE GUN CLUB; <br />Administrator Whittaker reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation <br />to approve the request of the Gun Club to move in a garage from Inwood <br />Avenue to replace a detoriating chicken coop that is used for maintenance <br />equipment. <br />i <br />Jerome Marah, Gun Club Representative, explained the condition of the <br />present building and what the move -in structure will be used for. He <br />said the Building Inspector has inspected the garage and all the necessary <br />improvements, to bring the building up to code, will be made,this year. <br />He indicated the exterior improvements will be made next year. <br />M/S/P Novak, Morgan to approve a moving permit for the Oakdale Gun Club <br />to move a 20' x 22' garage from 140 Inwood to the Gun Club to replace <br />a detiorating shed on the property, per the stipulations of the Planning <br />Commission and Building Inspector, <br />The Administrator will notify the Club of the deadline date as to when the <br />exterior improvements need to be complete, <br />8. WILLIAM JAMISON — VARIANCE FROM SIDE YARD SETBACK AT 10919 33RD ST. <br />in 1979 Mr. Jamison received a 7 ft. side yard variance to construct <br />a 24' x 24" attached garage. He is requesting a variance for an <br />additional 2 ft, in order to construct a 241 x 26' attached garage. <br />Under the new Code the side yard setback was reduced from 30' to <br />25' thereby making the variance 4' under the present code. <br />Whittaker explained the reason for the 251 side yard setback on <br />corner lots (street side). <br />Eder indicated that there was no hardship to justify the additional <br />2' variance and felt adequate area should have been provided for <br />the garage when the hotise-*as built two years ago. <br />