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CITY COUNCIL 9/15/81 <br />PAGE 4 <br />Jamison - Continued <br />M/S/P Eder/Novak to deny the variance request of William <br />Jamison based on a lack of hardship to the land and the <br />newness of the plan. Morgan and Mottaz opposed, Morgan <br />felt the denial was inconsistent with past action (granting <br />a 7 ft. variance 2 years ago), although, he did agree with <br />the basis for the denial, <br />9, REPORT CABLE COMMISSION: <br />The Council reviewed the Administrator's letter to Anita Benda, <br />Cable Consultant, Mayor Eder and Dave Garloff, Cable Representative <br />and alternatpg reported on the last Commission meeting and com- <br />mission activities during the past several months, <br />10. OLD BUSINESSz <br />A. Bingo Guardian Angel;:'s FallFestival,,, <br />4hittaker reported that Guardian Angel's will conduct,Bingo <br />at their Fall Festival September 20, Because the Bingo event <br />is held only once during the year, a Bingo license is not necessary, <br />M/S/P Morgan/Novak, to approve Bingo playing at Guardian Angels <br />Fall Festival September 20. <br />Dram Shop Insurancex <br />Whi taye—r reported that Guardian Angels carries Dram Shop Insurance <br />and provided a certificate to this effect, He further reported <br />on the difficulty for Green Acres to obtain Dram Shop Insurance <br />to cover individual events. The conclusion of the Attorney, <br />Insurance Agent and`Admin strator was-t�hat.eaoh individual <br />'using Green Acres,provide proof of insurance before <br />a temporary liquor license is issued, <br />-_Fraser requested a clear cut statement from the City. Attorney <br />on what is the City's exposure and/or protection from a legal <br />point. <br />Council members discussed ramifications of requiring small <br />individual groups that do not carry Dram Shop Insurance. but want <br />to use Green Acres and serve non -intoxicating malt liquor. <br />Whittaker will get a written opinion from the Attorney, <br />B. MSA Project <br />1. Easement guidelines - <br />� <br />Engineer Bohrer re3viewed the redesign of Keats Avenue, to minimize <br />the impact on the Raleigh and Crocker property, The design changes <br />more equitably balance the easements on either side of the road. <br />He reported the total temporary easements comprise about 1.75 acres <br />on Keats. Bohrer read his letter on easement guidelines; and asked <br />for authority to negotiate for easements with the residents. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Eder to authorize the Engineer to ,negotiate with residents <br />* Add- along Keats Avenue for temporary easements in an amount not to <br />omnensation exceed, t10,sof market value-.�2,000. per -acre: -or g200 per- acre.- *Special <br />( for., features on the land will also be negotiated. Carried 4-0 Mottaz absent, <br />amended <br />10/9/81 2.. Variance appeals <br />No additional ininformation his been received, <br />