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JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 12, 1981 <br />Chairman Michels called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.. <br />ROLL CALL: Prince, Dreher, Halden, Lundquist, Na;zarian,Gifford, Moe, Lyall, <br />and Mazarra. City Council - Novak, Mottaz, Fraser and Eder <br />City Administrator Whittaker. <br />MINUTES: September 14, 1981 <br />M/S/P Lundquist/Prince to approve the minutes of September 14, <br />as amended. <br />° Page 1 - Outline for Highway Plan the Administrator strongly <br />urges the neeess-ity development of a Highway Plan. <br />PLANNING CONFERENCE: The following Commissioners will attend the <br />Planning Conference at the Maplewood Holiday Inn: Nazarian, <br />Moe, Mazarra, Lyall, Gifford, Prince and Dreher. <br />INTRODUCTIONS: Mayor Eder introduced the following guests: <br />Mary Hauser, Met Council Representative, Vic Ward, Met Council, <br />Bob Mazanec, Met Council, Connie Levi, State Representative, <br />Senator Jerome Hughes and City Planner Rob Chelseth. <br />AGENDA ITEMS: <br />1. Landfill - Regional Park - <br />The Council asked the Met Council representatives and the <br />legislators to react to Lake"rlmols positib4-.:opposing <br />landfills, landfills in park reserves -.more specifically, <br />in the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. <br />--Hauser - there is no land that cannot be considered under <br />the statute. <br />--Levi - feeling in the legislature is that public land ought <br />to be as likely for siting as private land - reason why the <br />provision is in the statute,- no land should be excluded <br />from consideration. This allows for park reserve land to <br />be considered along with farm land. Provides for fairness. <br />--Hauser - regarding siting'- much public controversey� pro <br />and con, on the use of public land :vs acquiring additional <br />land. <br />--Lyall - no trading considered - just want to acquire the land. <br />--Levi - legislation has been proposed to sell off surplus <br />land and restrict additional acquisition. Can't afford <br />to maintain what we have. Working on a remedy. <br />-- Whittaker - concerns not related so much to,if the land <br />was public or private initially,but the fact that land <br />acquired for regional park was done with assumptions and <br />assurances that it was going to be used for regional park <br />with government funds, for park purposes. Nature of the park <br />is a park reserve - landfill use would impact wildlife and <br />ecological structure of the area. Antithesis of a park reserve <br />to put in a dung -it will not longer be a park reserve - it <br />will be a dump. Noted the Met Council rated the Lake Elmo <br />Park Reserve 23 out of 23 sites for a sludge and ash disposal site <br />while the County still is considering it as a regular landfill. <br />A sludge and ash disposal would be more controlled, more manageable <br />generate.less traffic, less damaging than a landfill. Asked <br />how the County and the.pCA can 'continue to consider it. Want <br />to get this message through to the Met Council <br />