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JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION/COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 12, 1981 -2- <br />-Landfill - Continued, <br />- Mottaz — Lake Elmo has one landfill site have problems with <br />that site now. Concerned -have this one potentially explosive <br />problem from a sanitary landfill site and now we may be blessed <br />with another one. Do not see any honest,sincere effort on the <br />part of the State Legislature, Met Council or PCA to come up <br />with alternative to burying these poisonous chemicals in the ground. <br />In not wanting the Park Reserve being made a dump/ <br />we're very concerned about having two time bombs in Lake Elmo. <br />--Levi - When passed the Waste Management Bill in 79-80 put into <br />motion the first step in a scenario that will lead to resource <br />recovery and energy generation from our solid waste. Takes time <br />for these things to become cost effective - cannot pass in 79-80 <br />and expect to see results in 81. Funds in the legislation for <br />pilot studies, various experimental cases, also the mechanism <br />for flow control. Inaccurate to say no one has recognized the <br />problem orr%.that no steps have been taken to deal with the problem. <br />Takes time - dealing with the short term solutions right now, <br />which is our landfills are filling up and we have to deal with <br />-.:hat - are going to have to find other sites. No one wants them <br />in their community - but short term is what we are going to have <br />to deal with. <br />Mottaz - Its a cop-out to say it is not cost effective now. It <br />is cost effective. Charge the individual what it costs to dispose <br />of the trash safely. It is cost effective if handled properly. <br />Charge has to be according to what it costs. <br />--Levi - Feels if individuals were notified they would have to <br />pay what it actually cost to safely dispose of refuse -would cause <br />a very negative reaction. Agrees should be looking for better <br />ways of disposing of trash; but there are some realities that <br />have to be dealt with. Realities are -no mechanisms, up until now <br />have just put in place the basis to begin to look at this. All <br />takes time. <br />--Whittaker - What happens when the Met Council get this? The <br />Council has to make two decisions: 1. Are the sites that the <br />County submits, ok. 2. Have they submitted enough. Understands <br />that the County should submit 5 - at this point there are only 2 <br />sites that are ruled suitable. <br />--Hauser - Not sure could hang the County up on enforcing 5 sites. <br />--Whittaker - Not trying to hang them up; but are trying to <br />encourage them to look for alternatives. One way to do that is <br />to require they have those other three sites. <br />--Hauser - Noted has talked to Artie Schaefer, who has indicated <br />that some of the alternate sites have been washed out, Some of <br />County Park members are chipping away at the same theme as Lake <br />Elmo about. siting in the Park Reserve area. Cannot answer the <br />number of sites question. Most crucial thinq is finding a <br />suitable site. Does not know what the legalities are on requiring <br />the County to identify 5 sites. <br />--Whittaker - hard to believe that in a County this size, and this <br />rural that there are not 5 sites. And that of the oriqinal 30 <br />sites.originally chosen 25 were eliminated politically and 5 had <br />to have an enviromental review, which eliminated three of those. <br />Feels if they went back and looked again at the ones politically <br />eliminated they might find they were enviromentally suitable <br />even though they may not please the folks in the neighborhood, and <br />come up with 5 sites. Understands Ramsey County is going to have <br />no sites, so it cannot be narrowed down to far or we are not going <br />to have near enqugh!A adequate landfill. <br />