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-6- <br />Comp Plan Status <br />The City°s policy of designating 1 1/2 acre lots in small areas <br />between subdivisions is inconsistent, and will be -written' <br />up this way. <br />3. Lake Access - Demontreville Lake <br />Mayor Eder gave the background of this area dating back to 1974. <br />Administrator Whittaker updated the group on current correspondence <br />between the affected, parties and area residents. <br />--Whittaker - The only way it appears to get lake accesses in the <br />Metro area , or at least on Lake Demontreville, is to condemn them. <br />In may instances there will be lack of cooperation from the land owner <br />by using the friendly condemnation procedure. The DNR is hesitant <br />to enforce their legal right to condemn laud for lake acoeastalthough <br />it is a stated policy in the Metropolitan Council and the Legislature <br />to acquire these lake accesses, The Demontreville access has been <br />on the priority for the Met Coucil and LAWCON Funds for five years. <br />Everyone feels this is the right place to have a lake access and <br />it is desired as soon as possible. Residents near the lake want the <br />access ;developed and the parking put in because of the nuisance <br />problems they are experiencing, The City would like to see it done <br />for the same reasons, as well -as the people who want to use the lake. <br />Appears to be a roadblock at the DNR, - they do not want <br />to condemn outright because this affects the public image of the DNR. <br />Need some political help to get the DNR to condemn the access. <br />--Senator Hughes - Indicated he would be happy to discuss this matter with Joe <br />Alexander, DNR Commissioner. Asked why the property owner is reluctant to sell his <br />land. <br />-- Whittaker - indicated that the owner is dissatisified with the price offered <br />by DNR. <br />--Hauser - Thinks this should be disoussed with Mi... Alexander. Recently put <br />emphasis on .funding for lake accesses. Said would be happy to speak to Charles <br />Weaver, Chairman of the Met Council, who1she feelsl would be happy to speak with <br />Joe Alexander, about this issue. <br />--Senator Hughes - Said he will take the responsibility of calling a meeting with'the <br />Commissioner and those parties involved and interested in the access issue. He Will <br />notify the Administrator of the date and time. <br />--Dave Garloff, Demontreville Tr, - Noted his concerns as an area resident, <br />asking what the status is regarding the present access, commenting on the safety <br />issue of the present access, and explained the property'ownbrs hesitancy to sell <br />because of the depreciation of his other lots around the parking lot, <br />--Eder - Noted the City will reconsider the status of the aocess-on November 30, <br />Berle Garloff, Demontrevill `Pro - enforcement Is a major issue. A lot of over - <br />parking in the area which creates a safety hazard. <br />--Greg Ibucks, Demontreville Tr. N. - Looking for something; to be done as <br />quickly as possible. If the City plans to close the access - do it before spring <br />If not, and the DNR does not act on the access, then, all negative comments should. <br />be referred directly to the DNR. <br />--Levi - Asked if the City has made a .commitment to insure that parking, safety <br />and enforcement will occur if the parking area is expanded. Dogs not think the DNR <br />will or can enforce or control another access. Noted that-b e,Public Access Program <br />Policy did not indicate the responsible party for maintenance and enforcement. <br />Cautioned the Council and residents to look closely at what they are asking for, <br />until they know who is going to pay the bill. <br />--Whittaker - In this particular access it is felt $hla* an identified access will <br />greatly releive the problem - it will be an improvement, Then will go on and deal <br />with the other problems of maintenance and enforcement. <br />--Foucks- This has been going on for some years. Have an opportunity to purchase <br />property now to resolve the problem. If the property is not purchased now and <br />the property is sold we willlose our opportunity to solve the problem now and <br />be creating a bigger problem. <br />