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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 20, 1981 <br />1. Mayor Eder convened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Fraser, Mottaz, Morgan and Novak, City Administrator Whittaker <br />2. AGENDA: M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz, to adopt the agenda, as amended. <br />3. MINUTES: M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to adopted the minutes of Oct. 6, 1981, <br />as amended. <br />016.D. Pebble Park Ice A3!,esa Rink <br />4. CLAIMS: M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to approve claims 81822 thru 81859. <br />Oh -the suggestion of Councillor Mottaz, the Administrator will <br />write Judge Armstrong urging him and the other judges to enforce <br />the maximum fines on City prosecutions, thus enabling the City <br />the recover some of its prosecution costs, <br />5. OFFICE PLANS: <br />Mottaz reviewed his letter to the Mayor and Council members <br />proposing the City lease 2400 sq. ft. of office space in -the <br />Brookfield II Office Building. He stated this proposal addresses <br />all the opposition to previous proposals by being more economical, <br />keeping the City office in the vicinity of the Old Village, and <br />eliminating the need to buy more land. He also outlined the <br />investment potential table. <br />MIS/ Mottaz/Eder that the City lease approximately 2400 sq. ft. <br />of space on the first floor of the Brookfield II building for <br />five years at $8.50 per sq. ft, per year starting on February 1, <br />1982, that, $25,000 be appropriated from the present buildng reserve <br />for interior work. Also, that the present City Office building <br />be sold and all monies from that sale be combined with all other <br />monies listed on the attached sheet as building reserves. In <br />addition, the approximate $190,000 remaining after the transaction <br />is completed be assigned to a permanent office space fund and <br />that from the interest earned from this fund lease payments will <br />be taken and that all interest money remaining after the lease <br />payments are made become part of the office space fund and be <br />likewise invested, <br />Discussion: <br />--Eder - Has read all the data, including remodeling of tike present <br />building, reviewed the investment table - thinks it is sound <br />reasoning and supports the motion, <br />--Morgan - The leasing of a., building for 5 years gets you <br />no equity in those 5 years. The appreciation on a building <br />of our own would keep up with inflation, If invest the money, <br />will not keep up with inflation, Plan A not too bad if eliminate <br />the site work. <br />--Mottaz' Cost of the building going in has to be considered. Also <br />with extensive remodeling and/or adding on ponding requirements <br />may be necessary - an additional cost, <br />--Morgan - Lease is for five years - no .further ahead at the end <br />of that time. If build our own building should be adequate for <br />20 years. <br />--Mottaz - Trade-off is not $100,000. If invest present reserve <br />money, this would more than pay the lease of the building and <br />part of the ]ease would include expenses we have now, <br />