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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCILI-MEETING, OCTOBER 20, 1981 <br />-2- <br />OFFICE PLANS: <br />--Fraser - Went over the architects report did not feel it wise <br />to proceed with any of the three alternatives. Pointed out several <br />detrimental features of the present location and the problem <br />of housing the office and staff during remodeling work. Stripping <br />down the least expensive alternative would result in an undesirable <br />project. Figures that have been put together for the rental/lease <br />proposal point out the best alternative so far suggested. In <br />this instance,it indicates private enterprise can build and <br />maintain buildings at a lower cost than governmental entities. <br />Supports the motion. <br />--Novak - Feels the remodeling of the present office building came <br />in at a reasonable price when excluding the fire hall and parking, <br />which will need to be taken care of regardless. Strong feeling <br />not to sell the present office building - strong need in the Old <br />Village for parking - City could help the situation by having <br />an adequate parking facility that people on main street can use. <br />Not wise to sell building and box -in the remaining City property. <br />--Morgan - If sell the present site, in particular to Joe,Rogers, <br />will create mass congestion for this area. Fire Department, -whole <br />area -will be short of room.. <br />Should have more time to think about this alternative and listen <br />to what the architects have to say. <br />--Novak - Agrees with Morgan - questions the urgency implied in <br />the memo. <br />--Fraser - The urgency implied here is the same as has been implied <br />fbr all the alternatives. Moving ahead with this action does <br />not put the Council in an irrevocable position. Would be <br />unfortunate to delay unnecessarily - would like to see appropriate <br />movement rather than to postpone or table action. <br />--Novak - Could no way vote for this proposal. if looking into <br />rental,should include everyone in the City who has rental space <br />--Whittaker - Has checked out and contacted known rental properties. <br />W,Tq unable to. -find anything available or large enough. <br />--Morgan - Thinks the City should have its own office and should <br />not lease. <br />M/S/F Morgan/Novak to table, -until Nov. 3, the motion, to lease so <br />that_. the alternative before the Council can be considered and <br />material from the architect is heard. Motion failed 2-3 Fraser, <br />Eder and Mottaz opposed. <br />Fraser moved the previous question. <br />Motion carried 3-2 Novak and Morgan opposed. <br />Noak felt the decision was inappropriately made and extended <br />an apology, -to the architects for the time they put in and were not <br />given an opportunity to speak. <br />Whittaker briefed the Council on what the next steps are. He <br />will have Ekberg Lammers review the lease agreement and recommended <br />Sessing Architects provide an estimate for the interior design work. <br />Council said he should, instead, summarize the project and get <br />a list of architects/designers for next meeting, as well as have <br />Lammers review the lease. <br />