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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 20, 1981 <br />-4- <br />JAMACA GATE - CONTINUED: <br />-Morgan - gave the background of the Council's past action. <br />( Obligated to the residents on Jane Rd. N. to enforce the <br />agreement - the flow of traffic should be stopped. <br />-Mottaz - City has an obligation to put up the type of gate <br />that cannot be easily vandalized (not a farm gate). Have <br />budgeted for a sturdy structure and this should be put up <br />have an obligation to fulfill the agreement and put up a gate <br />that cannot be broken down. <br />-Novak - Fire and Police protection a concern. <br />M/S/P Eder/Fraser to open Jamaca Avenue from Jane Road N. <br />and install the safety measures (speed bumps;'stop signs, yield <br />signs and speed limit signs) as recommended by the Maintenance <br />Superintendent. <br />Morgan and Mottaz opposed. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Eder to authorize the City Engineer to view the <br />area and determine how to control the traffic flow, via signing <br />speed bumps, etc. and submit his findings for Council action. <br />9. PAUL MAGNUSON - PROBLEM ON LAKE ELMO: <br />The Administrator reviewed Mr. Magnuson's letter, which advised the <br />City to take immediate action to remedy the high water level on <br />Lake Elmo, with the Council, <br />The Administrator will send this letter to the City Attorney for <br />an opinion. <br />10. CABLE COMMISSION REPORT: <br />A. Joint Powers Agreement - The Council reviewed the agreement. <br />Whittaker explained the differences from the present agreement. <br />M/S/P Eder/Fraser to adopt Resolution 81-66, A Resolution <br />Authorizing The Mayor and City Administrator To Execute A <br />Joint Powers Agreement Providing For Membership Of The City <br />In The Ramsey -Washington County Cable Communications Commission. <br />4-0-1 Novak abstained. <br />B. By-laws - Eder has worked on the by -lays and sees no problem. <br />C. Needs Assessment - Iona Butler reported on the -cable survey.;; <br />presently being. processed,;F,r <br />D. Ethics Policy & Committee Report - Reviewed the October 16 <br />letter from the Suburban Cable Commission. <br />11. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Street Light Policy - The Council reviewed the street -lighting <br />policy from Mahtomedi and agreed to adopt a like policy with the <br />changes noted by the,Administrator.:.,. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to adopt a Street Lighting Policy, using <br />the Mahtomedi format with the changes recommended by the Administrator. <br />B. Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission - The Council will <br />meet with the Planning Commission in either November or January. <br />