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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 20, 1981 -3- <br />6:30 Dinner Break - Christ Lutheran Church <br />7:30 Mayor Eder reconvened the meeting. <br />BOB RYGG - AWARD TO CARMEN GENSKA17 — CIVIL DEFENSE: <br />Mayor Eder presented Carmen Genskay an award from the Minnesota <br />Association of Civil Defense Directors commending her for her <br />work in initiating a Civil Defense Program within Cimarron. <br />8. JAMACA GATE - SURVEY REVIEW: <br />Whittaker reviewed the survey results and the map indicating <br />the location of the residences, 24 residents wanted Jamaca <br />open; 13.residents wanted the gate reconstructed. He also <br />reviewed the Maintenance Superintendent's recommendation on <br />the placement of speed limit and stop signs within Foxfire. <br />The Police and Fire Departments want Jamaca Avenue to remain <br />open. <br />Audience Comments: <br />-Richard McGovern, 5080 Jamaca - Speeding has been a problem <br />through the area. This has been reported to the Sheriff's <br />Department. Would like to see Jamaca remain open; but, favors <br />speed bumps, stop signs, etc, that would slow traffic down. <br />Said- his neighbor did not get a survey but wanted it known <br />that he did not want the gate. <br />-Gary Leier, 5040 Jamaca - Asked if the gravel area at the end <br />of the pavement can be cleaned up. <br />-Vince Harnick, 9417 Jane Ct. - Asked who all received a.'.survey <br />and how many were returned. The Administrator responded. <br />-Helga Winandy, Somerset, Wi - Owns the lot adjacent to the gate. <br />Asked about which side of the gate they should locate their <br />driveway. Mayor Eder said this would have to be determined <br />after a decision was made. <br />- Mike Moen, 9112 Jane Rd. N. - Hasc:Balled several times on <br />reckless driving in the area. Asked why the gate was not put <br />up again, or Jamaca closed off permanently, as was discussed <br />a year ago. The Mayor indicated the gate had been replaced <br />several times - each time was vandalized and torn down. The <br />Council did not vote to permanently close Jamaca. <br />-Frederick King, 9077 Jane Rd. N. - Understood Jamaca would not <br />be a through street - a gate would be put up. Believes the <br />City Council should stand by their past decision. <br />-Whittaker reviewed the Developer's Agreement between Schifsky <br />and the City. The Council can consider or reconsider an issue <br />as many times as citizens bring it before the Council. <br />-0. VanDemmeltraadt, 9706 Jane Rd. N. - Does not think the surveys <br />from Foxfire should be counted because of the initial agreement <br />with the developer to construct a gate. Feels most of the <br />people in favor of opening the gate will not be affected by increased <br />traffic on Jane Rd. N. - appreciable increase noted. Anticipates <br />Jane Rd. N will have to be upgraded when a certain level of density <br />is reached. Asked who would be assessed - if such costs would <br />be incurred they should be assessed to the developer of Foxfire - <br />going back to the initial agreement with the developer. <br />-Eder - City is developing a road plan - developing a collector <br />system. Jane Road N. should not be - cannot be - a collector <br />street. <br />-Fraser - City has attempted to implement the gate arrangement <br />it has not worked - believes another gate would be torn down <br />