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10-06-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-06-81 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 6, 1981' <br />1. Mayor Eder convened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Present: Novak, Morgan, <br />Mottaz, and Fraser. Also Administrator Whittaker. <br />2. AGENDA: M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to adopt the Agenda as amended, Additions: <br />( Clarify Bond Policy Resolution; Administrator's Report - report <br />on Metropolitan Council Comp Plan; Seminar for Rolle Maxey; and <br />questions on Clean Up Days - Council Reports - Morgan - Change in <br />Park Commission meeting days ; Mottaz - Code amendment on calling <br />special meetings; Novak - City Forester, <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan to amend the Agenda to table discussion on <br />the office options. <br />Motion carried to adopt the Agenda as amended. 5-0. <br />3. MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 16, 1980: <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to accept the Minutes of September 16, 1981, <br />as amended: <br />Paged , Park Commission - to which everyone lg-ong-near interested <br />in the park,,, <br />° Page 4, MSA Project, Para, 2 - Compensation .for special features,. <br />° Whittaker clarified the M/S/P proc—edure where the motion is <br />clarified by the discussion - changes on page 5 and 7. <br />4. CLAIMS: <br />M/S/P Morgan/Nova], to approve claims 81769 thru 81021, as amended. <br />Addition - $39�80 - Reiriu;ursement to Laurence E. Whittaker <br />5. FIRE DEPARTMENT RELIEF ASSOCIATION - 1 MILL LEVY REQUEST, 1982: <br />Fran Pott, Association representative, gave the history of the <br />Relief Association and explained the present and proposed retirement <br />plan. They are requesting a 1 mill increase to be levied yearly, <br />in order to keep the Relief Fund solvent. The reasons for the <br />request is that, the=Association is looking -into amending.the <br />provisions of the retirement-plan,to provide for a lump sum <br />paymenti.vs the present annuity plan, The Fund is presently <br />actuarially sound by $5,000 to $10,000, as of 1979 report. <br />--Morgan - noted that a 1 mill levy is $25,000. Is interested in <br />seeing the Fund remain solvent, but does not favor the 1 mill <br />increase. Would rather calculate the necessary funds at budget <br />time and make it a part of the General Budget. <br />--Pott - noted the State Statute states the City shall levy 1 mill. <br />--Fraser - given the City's past performance and intent to keep the <br />Fund solvent to push the statute requirement would force the City <br />into taking other action - extreme to have to make,that levy. <br />May not be the most desirable thing for the City or Fire Department <br />--Eder - get the proposal as to the change - determine the need <br />there is a commitment to fund, <br />--Mottaz - agrees with Dave - as long as City meets its obligation <br />to make the fund sound - hesitates to levy another mill. <br />--Eder - sees no desire to implement 1 mill - revise the plan <br />and go into a regular program, The Council is aware of the Fire <br />Department's concern to revise the retirement plan and to keep it <br />adequately funded and acknowledges the City's responsibility to do so. <br />--Pott - Department not aware of the value of a 1 mill levy - <br />thinking more in terms of $12,000 to $15,000. <br />i --Eder - revise the plan and bring back to the Council. <br />6. PROJECT 1006 - PETITION: <br />Tom Armstrong requestedlthe City to withdraw its petition for <br />Project 1006 and suggested a joint meeting with the County and <br />the other eities and townships in the Watershed Distrit to condider <br />a project that will meet the needs physically and economically of these <br />a rp_as_ Nr rFnii ry a+crl +hoc nn pp nmmn <br />
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