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10-06-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-06-81 CCM
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CITY OF LAKE ELMO, CITY COUNCIL MEETING, <br />PAGE. 2 <br />6. PROJECT 1006 - <br />--Morgan - paralled this project with project,".1004 and 1005 - <br />from a financial point of view the project got out of hand. <br />M/S/ Morgan/.Mottaz tO+adopt Resolut on,81-64, A Resolution <br />withdrawing and dismissing the City of Lake Elmo from its <br />petition to the Valley Branch Watershed District for Project 1006. <br />Discussion - <br />--Eder - hoped to work through a negotiation process, then, if <br />it could not be resolved we would pull out of the petition. There <br />are some expenses that will not be recaptured. Critical to tie <br />whatever new project there is into some decisions about the storage <br />site and the I-94 Project. <br />--Mottaz � Concerned with the assessment process, Alarmed with what <br />this might do to ag land, <br />—Fraser - not pleased with the 1006 material that came out - <br />the possible assessment process left much to be desired - disappointed <br />that it did not contain material that spelled out what would <br />happen if action was not taken. Feels the action taken by the <br />Council at the last meeting (withdrawing support) is adequately <br />strong action, Not desirable to go another step and have a <br />resolution withdrawing the petition, - Excessive action - <br />Confident that the Cities,'. County and the Watershed can work <br />this out. Concern about the money already put in being unnecessarily <br />lost with withdrawl. <br />--Al Dornfeldk.disappointed to see this motion. Report covers <br />wide range of projects - Manager's did not endorse any of them - <br />put them out in answer to a petition - Urge the Council to reconsider <br />their action - At no time have the Managers operated in bad faith, - <br />have shown in the past that they are willing to work and negotiate <br />on these matters, Agrees -;need help with the assessment policy - <br />no matter what project is done - no automatic answers;- need to <br />work together. <br />--Morgan - never agreed with the Main Stem approach - Present and <br />potential storage,-).pdnding and run-off sites have not been considered. <br />Build something that is going to be used every year - not every <br />100 years. Need to control your engineer. <br />--Fraser - thinks this motion is an excessive reaction. Believes <br />the cities and counties can work with the Watershed at resolving <br />what needs to be resolved, <br />--Morgan Watershed law should be changed - somehow have to get <br />the engineers out of running the project and have the managers run <br />it, <br />--Mottaz disagrees the motion is excessive. Feels watershed action <br />is excessive. Shoot more for the minimum, rather than the maximum. <br />Stop whole thing now, get together with everyone involved and <br />discuss a new philosophy and new approach. <br />--Novak - Favors withdrawing with the intent of resubmitting <br />another petition. This would not be necessary if we were honestly <br />listened to all this time. Expressed to the managers, several <br />times, that the route this was going.was not acceptable as to what <br />was petitioned for. No assurance given that the additional areas, <br />not petitioned for, will not be a part of the project. Cost and <br />extreme hardship to '.farm land a major factor. Does not feel <br />the City has been listened to,thereby, necessitating this extreme <br />measure. Does not feel the Watershed has been responsive to Lake <br />Elmo. <br />--Dick Murray - Would not like to see the Council take this action, <br />Suggested deferring for a time period and;, -sit down with the Managers <br />and talk about the Proiect and cost and try to npani-;a+P_ <br />
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