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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 1, 1981 <br />-11- <br />Oakdale Gun Club - <br />=-Rudman —Unless there is some issue of tremendous concern <br />it would be appropriate to consider looking at the range over <br />a long period of time. <br />--Jeff Friedrich - not a member of the gun club, lives in <br />Cimarron. Doesn't find the noise objectionable. Uses the <br />Club to sight in his rifle, no other place around to do this. <br />Always been impressed with the safety and the professionalism <br />in the way the Club is run. Range Officers always in charge <br />never an opportunity where anything could happen. <br />--Jerome Marah - Director on the Board - works on grounds <br />maintenance, closely involved with what is happening on the <br />range. Would like included in the report a recommendation <br />to the property owner to the east refrain from allowing <br />people to come in on his property and hunt. These people <br />have fired rounds from the Nelson property into the gun <br />club property when there are people there shooting. The <br />club is not the one creating the hazard, outsiders using <br />the club property are riding on the club's insurance liability <br />and considers this a major source of creating a safety problem <br />not on the range - may happen on the Club's range but will <br />happen from the outside. This has happened repeatedly. Have <br />had to go over their fenceline and warn these people. Have <br />had obscenities called out. Believes if this continues will <br />have to physically rehend them or restrain them until <br />the law comes. Wants this included in the report. <br />Mayor Eder told the Club that they will be notified of <br />all review and information relating to the Club. <br />Mr. Reece said he will mail an up -dated copy of the NRA <br />Manual to the Administrator. <br />C. Publ\ic\Ncl�Jss - The informational <br />meeting --will -Fe held -Wednesday, December 2, at the City Hall. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz to adopt R-81m771 supporting.the DNR <br />access plan for. Lake Demontreville and the condemhationf,of <br />the property for such access. *81-77 replaced by R-81-82. <br />D. �Hieeting for 1006 - Set -Parameters - <br />The Council de ice deTd—to- postpone a meeting until the City is <br />in receipt of information indicating its share of the <br />I-94 project. <br />11. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Amendment to Surface`tereUse Ordinance - <br />E <br />The Council reviewedthe word mg4 <br />change in t e present <br />Ordinance that would regulate any type of access other than <br />at an established public access. <br />M/S/P. Fraser/Morgan to adopt Ordinance 793R amending %ction <br />1511.0.2.of the 1979 Municipal Code; <br />t <br />