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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 1, 1981 <br />-12- <br />ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />B. Met Council response to Comp Plan - <br />No response has been received. aDeferred until December 15. <br />C. Mn/DNR Proposal for Mn/Wi Boundary Trail <br />Whittaker reyiewecT tie tr— system stem and asked the Council if they <br />had any concerns since the trail will run adjacent to Dbmontreville <br />Park. This wi H be part of a state wide system. No plans are <br />available on public facilites, picnic areas, maintenance plans, etc. <br />--Morgan - concerned that the right-of-way runs adjacent to the <br />City Park. Do not want a City park included in a state wide trail <br />system, This is suppose to be a City park, not part of a state <br />wide system. Not opposed to the trail; but there should be a <br />clear understanding that the park does not become apart of that <br />system. <br />--Fraser- send them the City's concerns, Likes the over-all idea <br />of these trails; but they need to address where it stops and starts; <br />what type of travel is appropriate; facilities that are needed, etc, <br />--Mottaz - in the North St, Paul area,where it starts, there has <br />to be parking area, sanitary facilities--monsterous trail.,talkincq <br />parking facilities for many cars. Has to be someplace else other <br />than in Lake Elmo. Reaffirm that zie'-'want an entrance to their <br />trail somewhere in North St. Paul, <br />Whittaker will send a letter to the DNR outlining the Council's <br />concerns. <br />D. .State Aid and Budget�Woes <br />A summary of the:City's cash flow will be available December 15. <br />E. .Personnel Committee Meeting - The Personnel Committee will <br />m - .� -�� <br />interview tie final Building inspector applicants Saturday, <br />December 5, from 9 a.m. to noon,-- <br />F. VFW Sunday Night License - Whittaker reported that the VFW <br />has a�pro-rated undayLi'uor License, for Sunday events. The <br />standard club liquor license is not pro -rated. <br />G, Cable - Whittaker reviewed alletter from the Cable Commission <br />indicating that the City of Lake Elmo would have access to the <br />Cables system -via the Lake Elmo Public Library. <br />Fraser and Novak felt Lake Elmo Elementary would be a better <br />public access location. Whittaker will talk to the school district <br />about this, <br />ADJOURNMENT: M/S/P Mottaz/Eder to adjourn at 10:45 p.m. <br />RESOLUTIONS: 81-74 -- Private Road Ae eeimnt --Joe Kaiser <br />81-75 - 201 Grant Offer Acceptance <br />*81-77 - Demontreville Access Acceptance <br />*81-77 replaced by 81-82 <br />ORDINANCE: 793Z - Amendment to Sec. 1511,02 - Surface Water Use <br />Lake Access <br />