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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 1, 1981 <br />-2- <br />6.. .PUBLIC INQUIRIES: <br />A. Fran Pott - Minor Subdivision Appeal - <br />Mr. Pott presented his proposal to add another car stall to <br />his present garage - no variance is required. He is in the <br />process of acquiring a 1/2A parcel to the south/east This <br />will make his lot lA . This will leave 3A of prdperty with <br />the parcel to the south/west. <br />Mr. Pott would like to pour the footings for the garage before <br />the weather gets too had, therefore, he requested the Council <br />waive the requirement that the proposal go before the <br />Planning Commission for recommendation, (the Planning Commission <br />meets December 14), and approve the Minor -Subdivision because <br />of the time element, <br />--Fraser - would not want to act on this before it went through <br />the Planning Commission. Feels since this is the procedure <br />and the Commission has been asked to take the time and respon- <br />sibility to review minor subdivisions, could not take any <br />action until the Commission has had the opportunity to review <br />it. <br />--Morgan - cannot see anything controversial with the request - <br />looks like an improvement to the use of the land in the area. <br />Favors giving approval of the Minor Subdivision contingent on <br />the Planning Commission';s review. <br />M,/S/ Mofgan/Mottaz to approve the ,Minor Subdivision for Fran <br />Pott contingent on the approval of the Planning Commission. <br />Discussion -- Mottaz asked if the 1/2 acre parcel would be <br />combined with the existing 1/2 acre lot. <br />--Pott - plans to combine the two parcels with one description <br />for tax purposes. Intention is to eliminate the new parcel <br />as a buildable or potentially buildable parcel, This will make <br />the whole corner of Lot 5 one parcel <br />--Mottaz - requested the Planning Commission be notified as to <br />why this proposal was considered out of sequence by the Council <br />citing the time element and the fact there is nothing special <br />or controversial about the request. <br />Mx. Pott was given temporary authorization.,to put.thelfootings <br />of the garage in; buts a new survey describing the combined. <br />lots will be required before a building permit can be issued. <br />This will give._ the Planning Commission an opportunity to <br />review the survey and the proposal before construction of the <br />addition is started. <br />Motion carried 3-1. Fraser opposed. <br />There were no additional public inquiries. <br />7, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW - Duane Grace: <br />Acting Building Official Grace reported that he had reviewed <br />and viewed the permits. He indicated. that there is a lack of <br />information in file on the conditions for the permits; and <br />recommended that all CUP's include the provision that any <br />violation of the permit is grounds for revocation of the permit. <br />Vali-Hi Drive In, Salus Mobil Home, Lauseng Stone, Hanson Horse <br />Trailers, and Cimarron Golf_ Course w•;ere deferred until the <br />December 15 Council meeting. <br />