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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 1, 1981 <br />9, ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />B. Mn/PCA Grant Offer for 201-Study/Resolutions <br />Engineer Bohrer reported that the City has received the <br />State's offer of 15% for the 201 Study, and recommended <br />adopting a resolution accepting the grant offer and <br />request a budget period extension to the MPCA, as the <br />Citv''s facilities plan will not be completed until March. <br />The MPCA has been notified of this situation and they <br />have indicated that an extension of this budget time will <br />be granted, <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Morgan adopting R-81-75, accepting the State;'s <br />offer for the 201 Study grant and requesting the MPCA to <br />grant a budget period extension to the City, <br />C. MSA Variance - <br />Bohrer up -dated the Council on the status of the variance, <br />The State Aid Division has received the City's resubmittal <br />of the variance petition and the cover letter, The Commissioner <br />of Transportation will respond to the City's letter after <br />conferring with his legal staff; no response had been received <br />to date, <br />D. ,Bids for Lemire Sewer -.50th St, - Lanes D'emontreville. <br />Bohrer reported hat tEree bids were <br />_.received from local~_ <br />installers, He recommended accepting the low bid from <br />Lowell Vanderhoff with a base bid of $1800, the bid with a new <br />septic tank-$2400. Bids provided for complete installation, <br />including a sewage lift pump and.. an electrical allowance <br />to up -grade the wiring. The,electrioal."allowance may vary <br />depending on the code requirements. An assessment hearing <br />will be held when all the work is complete to fix the amount <br />that will be assessed to Mr, Lemire. <br />--Eder - will vote no - not in disagreement that the work needs <br />to be done; but, does not think it should be a public expenditure. <br />M/S/ Morgan/Mottaz adept —a accepting the low bid <br />of Lowell Vanderhoff to construct the sewer system for <br />Jerry Lemire, 8051 50th St.; ordering the construction of <br />said sewer system; and initiating a special assessment <br />against the property to recover the actual os of construct' n. <br />Motion carried 4-1. Eder opposed.h(, �c�� <br />BREAK. <br />10. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. l,andfill,,in Regional Park Reserve - <br />Whittaker re'portedon�the meeting'Tie_and Councillor Mottaz <br />attended where the County Board recommended that the Regional <br />Park Reserve be designated as a landfill site, He presented <br />a map, prepared by the County, indicating the, only, three <br />sites they determined suitable for a landfill. Two of the <br />sites are County owned parcels. He reviewed the County's <br />rational for selecting the; site, The City's next step <br />is to appeal to the Met Council,_ <br />