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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 1, 1981 <br />-5- <br />9, ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Kaiser Road Plan - Tom Mohr, builder., was present representing <br />Mr, Kaiser,-� <br />Engineer Bohrer reviewed his recommendations on the road plan.. <br />Whittaker discussed these recommendations with the Engineer <br />and agreed with his recommendations. He also discussed the <br />pity 's financing position on road improvements with Mr. Kaiser <br />and recommended to Mr. Kaiser that he proceed with a private <br />road that he would build himself. Mr. Mohr indicated that Mr. <br />Kaiser agreed to this. <br />The Council discussed the road ali.Qnment, easement to the Friedrich <br />property and the "T" turn around. <br />--Bohrer - Mr. Kaiser has been advised that if these standards <br />are acceptable to the City that he should commission <br />an engineer to develop _plans and specification for the road and <br />then enter into a Developer's Agreement with the City. A Building <br />Permit can be issued once this is completed. An occupancy <br />permit cannot be issued until the road is completed. <br />--Mohr - this is acceptable to Mr. Kaiser, too. An engineer has` <br />been hiked and the bids let on the road. 'Would .like to get <br />a BU:Ldirrq-Permit- for tlTe^'}iouse before the,next_.council meeting <br />-if everything can be taken care of. <br />--Bohrer - the final plan should show the driveway coming off <br />the "T" at the east end of the private road easement. <br />--Novak - questioned the problems with traffic congestion, on <br />a 24' wide road, when additional homes are built. Serious <br />problem with emergencies, especially in the winter. <br />--Whittaker - if the property were subdivided in the future, <br />could require the road be up -graded to the 32' standard. There <br />is adequate r•-o-w. Novak would like this included in the agreement. <br />--Eder - Based on Council discussion Eder asked if;,the Council <br />prefers a public or a.private road, <br />-._Mottaz - thinks it should be a private road provided we are <br />assured that,th:ere will be problems with "T" turn around handling' <br />emergency equipment especially in the winter when a private <br />individual is responsible for snow removal, <br />--Bohrer - the "T" would be able to handle any vehicle except the <br />snorkel,. The snorkel would have problems with a cul-de-sac, too. <br />--Whittaker - recommended the road be priivate with public r-o-w <br />dedication, <br />- Mottaz - include a provision that there can be no build up of <br />snow in the "T" area, <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz adopting-R-81-74, at priv2-te road a.areement on <br />dedicated public right-of-way for Joe Kaiser, per the Engineer's <br />recommendation, November 30, 1981, and including the following <br />provisions added to the private road agreement: <br />1. If the property is further subdivided the road will have to <br />be up -graded to the 32' City standard; <br />2. The "T" turn -around area to be kept clear of snow and other <br />obstacles or debris at all times. <br />Procedure requirements for Mr. Kaiser are outlined in the <br />Engineer's November 30, 1981,letter, <br />