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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 1, 1981 <br />am <br />©'akdale�,Ari 'Club <br />�=Reece,"'quoted from the original resolution of the Club, pg 2, <br />1965, concerning who may act as a range supervisor, The <br />Club is following this provision. <br />-Eder - reason for concern is the increased membership, <br />--Reece - explained how new members are indoctrinated and <br />prepared to serve as range supervisor, <br />--Novak - asked about the Club providing the City with a <br />list of Club officers, <br />--Reece oversight on the.part of the Club. No one asked, <br />--Novak City would like to know who the responsible person(s) <br />would be at any given time, <br />--Reece reluctant to furnish a membership list, as it becomes <br />public record =:,want, -to protect their members from theft, <br />-,Whittaker - secure information is not available to the public, <br />M/S/ Mottaz/Novak to approve a three month extension of the <br />present Conditional Use Permit for the Oakdale Gun Club and <br />undertake the process to develop firm standards on,noise, <br />safety, sanitation, parking, traffic control, etc, and review <br />the City's present Ordinance on gun clubs, And, in conjunction <br />with the review process have the City, Council tour the present <br />facility, <br />Discussion - <br />-,Reece - this 3 month extension leaves the Club in limbo after <br />90 days, Want to spend some money on the range starting in <br />the spring the 90 days will expire in February._ The Club <br />will not know until February or March whether the Club can <br />continue or even exist. Not fair to the people who have to <br />plan and try to manage the facility, <br />--Mottaz - first obligation to fairness is to the City and the <br />residents of Lake Elmo. Nothing implied in the motion that <br />will deprive the Club of its permit to operate the gun club. <br />Thinks it is necessary to have a clearer and firm understanding <br />of what the City should expect from the Club and what the Club.can <br />expect from the City. Nothing out of the ordinary or any <br />hardship placed on anyone for the City to go through this process. <br />--Reece - asked that the concerns and recommendations be <br />addressed, <br />-Mottaz - wants the Council to review the existing Ordinance <br />as it relates to Lake Elmo 1981,82 and not East Oakdale Township <br />1965, <br />--Whittaker - present regulations are straight forward in terms <br />of parking, sanitation - more difficult part will be working out <br />a standard for heights of berms, etc. Intent with PCA was to <br />confirm the standard that was applied to the range by the clubs <br />engineer. <br />--Reece - PCA is forbidden by State law to become involved in <br />gun club sound control studies, <br />--Whittaker - then�it would have to be an independent expert <br />who could evaluate noise standards, <br />--Mottaz presently have approved or are considering some plats <br />that will bring added population& the regional park - things <br />nat thought of in 1965 " it would behoove the Council to go over <br />this whole thing in light of these additions to the City. <br />