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12-01-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-01-81 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 1, 1981 -9- <br />-Eder - the City has to have rules and regulations for safety <br />written down and on file, Not questioning the safety of <br />the Club - as a City has(: an obligation to upgrade information; <br />Mottaz - has the feeling that the Club feels the City is <br />trying to do away with the Gun Club. Not his intention. <br />Wants to bring everything up-to-date to conditions as they <br />are now. Ultimately have to realize that the time might n <br />oonke where the City will have to say we cannot have a gun <br />club here anymore.. Does not see that .for awhile - this is <br />not what is intended. The City has to have better standards <br />and there has to be a closer relationship between the Club <br />and the City. <br />"-Reece - one further concern - everybody in the organization <br />is a volunteer, no professional staff, pay no one, would <br />appreciate if the lines of communication be kept open better <br />than have been done in the past, <br />--Fraser - commented on noise., -Personally has no objection <br />to-heaw'ing clot of shooting on a few weekends a -year; but <br />objects to early morning to late evening day after day. <br />The Administrator will compile the information for Council <br />and Club review and discussion. <br />-Harvey Allen, 2491 Lake Elmo Avenue - feels the three month <br />extension is somewhat unorthodox. Does not think CUP applicants <br />are put under this type of strain, Thinks can take all the <br />concerns and address every issue at your earliest convenience, <br />unless there is some basis not heard, cannot understand why it <br />should not go ahead. Not sure can answer all the concerns <br />in 90 days. Sees a real harm to'these people. These people <br />have done nothing that warrants turning down a permit. Wants <br />the Council to understand they are doing something for alot <br />of people and would recommend that the motion be not passed, <br />that you issue the permit, and go ahead with allyour concerns. <br />Do think what you are imposing with the three month plan is <br />not typical for a Special Use Permit. Has this ever occured <br />with any other special use in the village! <br />--Eder - yes this has happened before, more than once, to <br />pxisting permits. Three last year. Does not see any difference <br />whether it is March 31 or the one that now expires December 31. <br />It is no more threatening and does not feel anything communicated <br />here is threatening. Want to bring everything up-to-date and <br />address the issues discussed. <br />--Allen - you are aware of the tremendous concern of alot of <br />people over this. They are seeing this as a threatening issue. <br />Does not think it is necessary. A yearly permit is not a long <br />period of time. Everyone acknowledges that there is probably <br />nothing wrong down there - you can look it over,you have a year. <br />Thinks it is an undue restraint down there - what have they <br />done to warrant it. <br />Motion carried 4-1. Morgan opposed,a Morgan stated he feels the <br />gun club has been responsible and thinks we should give them <br />the year and go ahead and do the things we said we were going <br />to do in the 90 days. <br />
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