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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 19, 1982 <br />-3- <br />Cimarron Golf Course _CUP - <br />Public Comments - <br />-Stephen J. Palfe - 124 Cimarron - <br />Related problems experienced with broken windows - Lives near <br />5th green. Would like to see golfers leave name if homeowner <br />is not home and make golfers aware they are liable for damage. <br />-Betty Bell — Does not live on the course - equipment very loud <br />noise terrible. Does not feel one should be awakened every <br />morning at 5 a.m. Has talked to several residents in the area <br />and all have the same concern. Should do something to muffle <br />the noise. <br />-Charles M. Clausen - 63 Cimarron - Asked about past damages - <br />insurance rider for additional coverage excellent idea for <br />future damages; but past damages have to be addressed. <br />Recommended that the Council review the past claims and write <br />something into the Conditional Use Permit that Cimarron Park <br />would have to process the past claims. If people who live on <br />the course can produce a bill for a broken window, management <br />should pay at least 1/2 - this should be retro-active back to <br />1977 when Mr. Taylor took over the park. <br />-Tom Guindon - 503 Cimarron -.Insurance Agent - in reference to <br />the alternatives - relocating the holes - too expensive; <br />lower deductible for homeowners - very expensive 30-40o more; <br />golfer liability - no practical from enforcement standpoint. <br />Expensive for kanagement to carry additional insurance - <br />premium based on projected loss - high for a golf course. <br />Specific coverage is available in a package that deals only <br />with golf courses. <br />Mottaz-- would like Cimarron -to.. -provide statements from <br />insurance companies regarding coverage for damage from golf balls. <br />Council agreed. Need positive assurance to the homeowners that <br />if a golfer breaks the+ir_window someone is going to replace it. <br />--Taylor - not sure can get insurance if admit liability when <br />not legally liable. Will discuss this with his attorney and <br />insurance agent. <br />--Fraser - unique operation when owner rents space and runs the <br />golf course. <br />--Eder - if this suggestion proves totally unreasonable and can <br />be documented as such then may have to explore other alternatives. <br />Requesting Cimarron to respond at this time. <br />B'.: IRB - Final,'Resolution ConnCo <br />Dave Johnson said ConEio wirl be using Lake Elmo as their <br />address. <br />Whittaker reported that the City Attorney has reviewed the <br />material and all the documents are in order. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to adopt R-82-1, A Resolution providing for <br />the issuance and sale of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds <br />pursuant to Chap. 474, Mn Statutes to provide funds to be loaned to <br />Conn -Co Shoes, Inc, for Industrial Development Project. <br />C. Green Acres - Beer License and After Tours parties - <br />Howard Spring orn met with -the Council and explained his <br />operation and the facilities. He said not all the parties <br />using the facilities after 10:30 request a beer license. <br />--Mottaz - for the benefit of the City,andithe owners the <br />limits of the permit should be defined and documented. <br />--Springborn - all the events are chaperoned. He reviewed the <br />interior facilities of the chalet. <br />